Is Now the Time to Buy Jeweled Lotus?

27 Dec
by Deven Dupuis

If you’ve read my previous articles here, you’ll notice that I usually recommend more affordable cards. That’s usually because they’re so low they can't possibly go lower. 

My first safe pick for the week is the most expensive card I've ever recommended and, aside from the obvious investment in the Reserved List, possibly the most expensive safe bet I will ever recommend. That being said, I want to explain my reasoning behind this pick before revealing it. Most cards that fit this description will be safe bets. So, if it sounds like I’m talking about a different card, the card you’re thinking of is probably also a safe bet. 

Recently, Wizards announced the transition to Play Boosters to limit the confusion of so many different booster types while maintaining the ability to reprint cards too powerful for Standard in the form of Special Guests and The List. This means that cards in that slot will now be incorporated into sealed play. This makes certain cards unfit for a reprint in that slot. Specifically, cards that solely exist for the purpose of Commander are significantly less likely to appear in that slot. Of the cards that refer to interacting with a commander, there are some that Wizards has specifically used to add value to sets which makes it unlikely for them to be reprinted in a Secret Lair.

Jeweled Lotus

Of the cards that fit this description, my recommendation as a safe bet is Jeweled Lotus. Its popularity in Commander, both casual and cEDH, make it a card that will always be in demand. Since July, the market value of Jeweled Lotus has risen by $20. Without a reprint opportunity in sight, I expect that trend to continue and eventually mirror the patterns we see in cards like Mana Crypt. By this, I believe we will reach a point where reprints only temporarily decrease the price before rising again. 

Jeweled Lotus
Jeweled Lotus
Jeweled Lotus (Foil Etched)
Jeweled Lotus (Extended Art)

The Tenth Doctor

I wouldn't want to wake up one morning and need a time traveling phone booth to buy my next safe bet at a reasonable price. Copies of The Tenth Doctor can currently be purchased for under a dollar. The Universes Beyond: Doctor Who product falls in a unique place where, aside from Lord of the Rings, it is the most timeless intellectual property we’ve seen. Supply on these products is currently high, meaning anyone who wants access to them can readily buy them. However, over the years as new players are introduced to Magic: the Gathering, and specifically Commander, there will be a pool of players that want to connect to the game via Universes Beyond, which will not be easy to reprint due to licensing constraints. 

According to EDHREC, The Tenth Doctor is the most popular commander among the Doctors. It’s also the only Doctor for which the premium printings such as foil and extended art demand a premium. In addition to being the most playable Doctor, Ten is also arguably the most popular of the Doctors in the show. I don’t think it'll be a quick flip, but until Wizards announces Universes Beyond: Masters, I'll be holding many copies of the Tenth Doctor. 

The Tenth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor (Extended Art)
The Tenth Doctor (Showcase)


My final pick for the week might be shocking. I don’t normally recommend buying cards before they are reprinted, so, to clarify, my final pick will be a safer bet on January 12 than they are today. I’m talking about Shocklands, of course. On January 12, Shocklands are getting their fourth reprint (excluding Secret Lair Series, Zendikar Expeditions, and Unfinity). Analyzing historical data, when Shocklands are reprinted in a set, they fall to the $4-8 range before rising again. After Ravnica Remastered is officially released, I’ll be waiting a week before buying at least a playset of each one. 

With Ravnica Remastered’s release there will be over ten versions of each Shockland. Of those there are two particular printings I’ll be monitoring and picking up. First, whichever printing settles at the cheapest. At time of writing, most versions of the Shocklands are about the same price with the exception of Expeditions and Unfinity. I predict that in a few months that pattern will remain, with one exception. I believe the Secret Lair copies have potential to settle slightly higher than the other printings, while remaining below the price of the Expeditions and Unfinity printings. Secret Lair reprint prices tend to be based solely on how likable the art is (Thassa's Oracle). That being said, the Shocklands from the Secret Lairs have unique art that isn’t on Ravnica, making them stand out more.

Sell Out: Triumph of Saint Katherine

I wanted to close this month’s article with different advice than what I usually give. In my last two articles, I recommended investing in Triumph of Saint Katherine. Since then, it has won the North American Eternal Weekend, seen a 300% price increase, and been one of our Weekly Winners

Now, I would strongly recommend selling any copies you have that are not for personal use. Its increase in price is primarily due to its paper success in Legacy. However, there will be far fewer paper Legacy events in the coming months now that Eternal Weekend is over. This will cause Triumph of Saint Katherine to appear in fewer winning deck lists. If you invested in this safe bet, you should take your winnings and invest in some of the other cards we discussed in this month's article. Or invest in a MTGStocks Premium Subscription! 

Until next time, bet safe. 

Further Reading:

What's Good In Secretversary 2023?

Top 10 MTG Cards for Commander in 2023

The Not-So-Art of Speculating on MTG

Deven Dupuis
Deven Dupuis

Deven has played Magic since the release of Lorwyn. While his favorite format is Legacy, he also stays up to date with Pioneer, Modern, and Commander. When not writing for MTG Stocks, Deven also writes fiction stories with Kindle Vella.

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