This Week in Magic - Week 51

23 Dec
by Jeremy Lichtenberger

With the holidays upon us, we have much to be grateful for. Me? I'm grateful that my nerdy hobby as a kid has turned into a lifelong obsession that hasn't died down one bit. From casual, to competitive, to collector, we all have our reasons why we love Magic. Let's unwrap this week's winners!


Avatar of Slaughter

Murdering its way to the top, Avatar of Slaughter mutilated its old price point four times over! Quite frankly, this is my type of Magic. Everyone beat everyone else down with monstrous, double striking creatures. NO MERCY! At 8 cmc, this card doesn't come cheap, but it has an immediate game changing impact. I used to think that most Commander players didn't like building super agro decks, but then they printed Saskia the Unyielding and madness ensued. I'd bet that Avatar of Slaughter won't stay high for long, as it has a pretty narrow fan base, so take advantage while you can. 


Al-abara's Carpet

Al-abara's Carpet had a mini buy out, and just seeing the card on the list struck a chord with me. I used to hose my friend with it.  I would fog his Craw Wurm and Force of Nature bum rush. He simply couldn't beat it. In those days, I didn't care what a card was worth, only what it did for me. Seeing this card gave me immediate flashbacks and I literally just purchased my own NM copy at the inflated price. It represents so much more than just a $10 card to me, and that's why even after Magic the game dies, the cards will still hold value, to me at least. 


Ajani Steadfast

Up next is one of my favorite planeswalkers to cast in super friends. Ajani Steadfast was always underpriced, in my opinion, and the market seems to feel the same way. It's very easy on colored mana requirements, and really is a fantastic support walker. It may not do much on an empty board, but it compliments so many different board states. With the combination of Commander 2016 and a few Aether Revolt spoilers leaning towards planeswalker synergy, I expect this trend to continue. 


Jace, Vryn's Prodigy

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy went up, and ironically enough, he's been on my list of cards to talk about. We all remember the days of $75+ Jace, but when it fell to $12, I was really confused. Granted, he rotated out of Standard, but for as good of a card the young prodigy is, it never should have been that cheap. At 1U, it does pretty much everything a blue deck wants to do. Remember when Snapcaster Mage was under $25? As far as which is better for the 2 slot in any given blue deck, it really depends on the deck. Even at $30, I think it's a great pick up!

Cheap pickups of the week!

Return to Ravnica block shock lands are all near all-time lows, with some hitting all-time lows. Temple Garden, Blood Crypt and Overgrown Tomb are all at an all-time low! Commander and Modern players alike can benefit from these prices. I mentioned JJace, Vryn's Prodigy, as I feel he's a $40 card, but with his recent mini spike, he isn't quite as good of a pickup. Still, having a playset can't hurt. Harnessed Lightning, while not a particularly cheap uncommon, is one of the better burn spells printed. It will be the go to Standard burn spell for its life, and may even see Modern play, depending on Aether Revolt.  Super obscure card, but good nonetheless, Shadow of Doubt is Modern playable, but also hilarious to cast in Commander. It's fairly easy to cast and has a powerful effect for a cheap price tag. 

Foils of the week!

Wow! Sleight of Hand sees play in many combo decks, so it's not surprising that the foil is sought after. What is surprising is the price. $55! Manamorphose, also a card found in combo decks has jumped to $13 from $8. Parallax Wave can die in a fire, but the foil price is a healthy $26 now. If you don't know why I feel that way about this card, just imagine infinite uses of it and permanent exile via Opalescence. Countersquall has found its way onto a weekly article before, but it just can't stay out of the spotlight. For a ‘medium' counterspell in Modern, it sure does some solid work. It has more than doubled in price to $12! Lastly, Surgical Extraction isn't ever seen in Commander play, but in constructed play, it's a house! I doubted that it would stay unbanned for as long as it has, but then again, I thought they would ban all the Phyrexian mana cards. The foil is now $15. 

Conversation of the week!

On the same topic as I had brought up talking about Al-abara's Carpet I wanted to talk this week about the differences in generational players. While I have some memories attached to cards as recent as Lorwyn (I was stationed in Japan for 4 years, so I took a break from Magic,) they just don't drum up the same feelings in me that older cards do. I'm always interested to hear stories of newer players and how they have created memories with more recent cards. That brings me to my question, even if Magic the Gathering stops getting printed, can it ever die? Part of me knows that there is a huge portion of the community that is casual only, and those players would carry on the torch. Maybe competitive only players would take up casual, but I also believe that the secondary market would create a system to fill the void. Heck, Star City Games has regular tournaments and their own season. 

The best card you're not playing in Commander!

I'd like to finish this week with a new segment on random, obscure, powerful or downright hilarious cards. This week's feature is Coalition Honor Guard. It is by no means ground breaking, but it is quite hilarious when your opponents can't pump their own creatures until they kill the flagbearer first!

Coalition Honor Guard

More from Jeremy Lichtenberger:

This Week in Magic - Week 43

Nov 3, 2017

Pro Tour Ixalan is upon us, and it is happening after the meta has been cemented, which stands to have decks break out of the dark and surprise us all. There were a number of interesting spikes this week thanks to a new Modern deck taking over, and we discuss some awesome foil spikes. Without further ado, I give you, this week in Magic!

Repentant Blacksmith Meddling Mage Ancient Ziggurat

Jeremy Lichtenberger
Jeremy Lichtenberger

This Week in Magic - Week 42

Oct 27, 2017

We had a somewhat uneventful week, as Modern and Standard are still struggling to establish a solid meta, but unexpectedly we saw quite a few spikes in older cards. It's a brewers paradise out there, so at any moment a random card or group of cards can take over a format. Let's see what kind of movement we had, this week in Magic!

Ice Cauldron Marionette Master Corpse Harvester

Jeremy Lichtenberger
Jeremy Lichtenberger

This Week in Magic - Week 42

Oct 20, 2017

This week was plagued with old, obscure cards, but between the fog shined a few gems. We also had an interesting no bans announcement from Wizards that hinted something may be coming off of the ban list in Modern. Let’s plow through all the crazy cards that saw an uptick, this week in Magic!

Urborg Justice Anointed Procession Kindred Dominance

Jeremy Lichtenberger
Jeremy Lichtenberger

This Week in Magic - Week 41

Oct 13, 2017

We have the Nationals this weekend alongside SCG Charlotte, so prepare for some great Magic action! Standard is still trying to figure the meta out post Worlds, and Modern is still up for grabs. There was a little bit of everything spiking this week, from reserved list cards (shocking) to Ixalan cards. Let's check out our spikes, this week in Magic!

Quicksilver Fountain Erhnam Djinn Search for Azcanta

Jeremy Lichtenberger
Jeremy Lichtenberger

This Week in Magic - Week 40

Oct 6, 2017

World’s is upon us and I hope you’re all as excited as I am. SCG Dallas gave us a glimpse into what the new meta is going to look like and there weren’t too many surprises. On the heels of the first large tournament in new Standard, we had some movement in new and older cards. Let’s get into all the top market movement, this week in Magic!

Volrath\'s Shapeshifter Rishadan Footpad Hostage Taker

Jeremy Lichtenberger
Jeremy Lichtenberger

This Week in Magic - Week 39

Sep 29, 2017

Ixalan is here! While I am rejoicing that, I am also weeping as I say goodbye to Eldrazi in Standard. We have a brand new Standard upon us and from what I’ve seen, people are struggling to find new decks that perform well. As people try new things, cards will go up and down at the drop of a hat. Let’s take a look at what movement we saw this week, in Magic.

Hostage Taker Morphling Living Wish

Jeremy Lichtenberger
Jeremy Lichtenberger

This Week in Magic - Week 38

Sep 22, 2017

Who’s ready for dinosaurs and pirates? I know I am! I’ve built a super sweet U/B pirates list and I can’t wait to play it on MTGO and in paper. We’ve had some expected movement in the reserved list segment, but also a hype train for a big bad dino. Hopefully everyone has a fun and safe pre-release, so let’s all board the ship to Ixalan, this week in Magic!

Carnage Tyrant Well of Knowledge Knacksaw Clique

Jeremy Lichtenberger
Jeremy Lichtenberger

This Week in Magic - Week 37

Sep 15, 2017

What a week! Iconic Masters dropped at Hascon, and pictures were flooding in at the same time more spoilers for Ixalan were getting dropped. It was an insane Friday and while we got some great cards, the market didn’t really shift too much. Let’s breakdown all the madness, this week in Magic!

Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund Psionic Blast Preemptive Strike

Jeremy Lichtenberger
Jeremy Lichtenberger

This week in Magic - Week 36

Sep 8, 2017

I had a bit of madness at work last week and unfortunately wasn’t able to publish an article, which is unfortunate because FAR too many things happened in the Magic world. Ixalan spoilers are in full swing, dinosaurs are awesome, and Planeswalkers have finally been turned in legendary permanents. Let’s take a deep breath and dive into this week in Magic!

Empress Galina Opt Urza\'s Tower (Mountains)

Jeremy Lichtenberger
Jeremy Lichtenberger

This week in Magic - Week 34

Aug 25, 2017

If you thought there were a lot of reserved list buyouts last week, this week will make you sick. I’m going to try and avoid talking about most of the unplayable cards this week, other than one of my favorite Legends. This week will be a shorter article as I've been on the road and haven't had great access to a computer/internet. Let’s try to push through all these movements, this week in Magic!

Gwendlyn Di Corci Dragonlord Dromoka Voidmage Prodigy

Jeremy Lichtenberger
Jeremy Lichtenberger