Stone Rain







Europe avg










Europe avg

Foil multiplier 64.48x
Highest buylist $0.01
Spread 96%
Daily Change-
Weekly Change-
Monthly Change-

Stone Rain


Destroy target land.

legal Legacy
legal Vintage
legal Modern
not legal Standard
not legal Pioneer
legal Pauper
legal Historic
legal Commander

Date Low Average High Market Foil Market
Sep 7, 2024 $0.04 $0.25 $8.00 $0.15 $16.12 $7.22
Sep 6, 2024 $0.04 $0.25 $8.00 $0.15 $16.25 $7.22
Sep 5, 2024 $0.04 $0.25 $8.00 $0.15 $16.12 $15.94
Sep 4, 2024 $0.04 $0.25 $8.00 $0.15 $16.12 $15.94
Sep 3, 2024 $0.04 $0.25 $8.00 $0.15 $15.00 $15.94
Sep 2, 2024 $0.04 $0.25 $8.00 $0.15 $15.00 $15.94
Sep 1, 2024 $0.04 $0.25 $8.00 $0.15 $15.08 $15.94
Aug 31, 2024 $0.04 $0.25 $8.00 $0.15 $15.16 $15.94
Aug 30, 2024 $0.04 $0.25 $8.00 $0.15 $15.16 $15.94
Aug 29, 2024 $0.04 $0.25 $8.00 $0.14 $15.08 $15.94


All Time Low


Dec 16, 2012

All Time High


Nov 8, 2023

Reserved list?

Foil multiplier 64.48x
Highest buylist $0.01
Spread 96%
Daily Change-
Weekly Change-
Monthly Change-

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