Abeyance | Weatherlight | Rare | $8.69 | $8.39 |
Aboroth | Weatherlight | Rare | $1.18 | $1.32 |
Academy Rector | Urza's Destiny | Rare | $66.61 | $53.93 |
Acid Rain | Legends | Rare | $99.99 | $100.68 |
Acidic Dagger | Mirage | Rare | $0.74 | $0.39 |
Adun Oakenshield | Legends | Rare | $85.50 | $89.93 |
Aegis of the Meek | Ice Age | Rare | $0.74 | $0.63 |
Aeolipile | Fallen Empires | Rare | $1.92 | $1.83 |
Afiya Grove | Mirage | Rare | $1.00 | $0.77 |
Aku Djinn | Visions | Rare | $1.42 | $1.35 |
Al-abara's Carpet | Legends | Rare | $50.20 | $49.40 |
Alchor's Tomb | Legends | Rare | $18.88 | $18.12 |
Ali from Cairo | Arabian Nights | Rare | $285.99 | $349.94 |
All Hallow's Eve | Legends | Rare | $513.59 | $495.17 |
Altar of Bone | Ice Age | Rare | $5.28 | $5.08 |
Aluren | Tempest | Rare | $42.68 | $35.54 |
Amulet of Quoz | Ice Age | Rare | $1.06 | $1.41 |
Amulet of Unmaking | Mirage | Rare | $0.90 | $0.72 |
An-Zerrin Ruins | Homelands | Rare | $2.22 | $2.03 |
Anaba Ancestor | Homelands | Rare | $1.00 | $0.92 |
Anaba Spirit Crafter | Homelands | Rare | $1.32 | $1.20 |
Ancestral Knowledge | Weatherlight | Rare | $3.89 | $3.39 |
Ancestral Recall | Beta Edition | Rare | $7900.00 | N/A |
Ancestral Recall | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $4799.98 | N/A |
Ancestral Recall | Alpha Edition | Rare | $22000.00 | N/A |
Angus Mackenzie | Legends | Rare | $232.75 | $266.85 |
Anvil of Bogardan | Visions | Rare | $50.00 | $36.05 |
Apocalypse | Tempest | Rare | $7.40 | $7.73 |
Apocalypse Chime | Homelands | Rare | $0.96 | $0.79 |
Argivian Archaeologist | Antiquities | Rare | $156.94 | $149.57 |
Argothian Wurm | Urza's Saga | Rare | $2.67 | $2.67 |
Ashnod's Cylix | Alliances | Rare | $1.00 | $0.96 |
Asmira, Holy Avenger | Mirage | Rare | $1.54 | $1.31 |
Auspicious Ancestor | Mirage | Rare | $0.89 | $0.72 |
Autumn Willow | Homelands | Rare | $1.00 | $0.87 |
Avenging Angel | Tempest | Rare | $1.65 | $1.65 |
Avizoa | Weatherlight | Rare | $0.68 | $0.56 |
Aysen Crusader | Homelands | Rare | $0.93 | $0.76 |
Aysen Highway | Homelands | Rare | $1.00 | $0.93 |
Badlands | Revised Edition | Rare | $435.08 | $411.67 |
Badlands | Beta Edition | Rare | $1894.97 | N/A |
Badlands | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $800.00 | $750.00 |
Badlands | Alpha Edition | Rare | $6049.99 | N/A |
Baki's Curse | Homelands | Rare | $0.70 | $0.52 |
Balduvian Hydra | Ice Age | Rare | $1.02 | $0.91 |
Balduvian Trading Post | Alliances | Rare | $3.00 | $2.82 |
Balm of Restoration | Fallen Empires | Rare | $0.70 | $0.63 |
Baron Sengir | Homelands | Rare | $8.53 | $7.98 |
Barreling Attack | Mirage | Rare | $0.69 | $0.49 |
Barrin, Master Wizard | Urza's Saga | Rare | $8.50 | $6.47 |
Bartel Runeaxe | Legends | Rare | $32.49 | $22.49 |
Bayou | Beta Edition | Rare | $2339.00 | N/A |
Bayou | Alpha Edition | Rare | $4525.50 | N/A |
Bayou | Revised Edition | Rare | $426.92 | $398.87 |
Bayou | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $829.98 | $560.00 |
Bazaar of Baghdad | Arabian Nights | Uncommon | $2115.00 | $2132.00 |
Bazaar of Wonders | Mirage | Rare | $0.99 | $0.92 |
Beast Walkers | Homelands | Rare | $0.67 | $0.58 |
Benthic Djinn | Mirage | Rare | $0.72 | $0.58 |
Black Carriage | Homelands | Rare | $0.97 | $0.82 |
Black Lotus | Alpha Edition | Rare | $53999.00 | N/A |
Black Lotus | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $19625.00 | N/A |
Black Lotus | Beta Edition | Rare | $59999.00 | N/A |
Blaze of Glory | Beta Edition | Rare | $610.00 | N/A |
Blaze of Glory | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $105.15 | $137.70 |
Blaze of Glory | Alpha Edition | Rare | $835.99 | N/A |
Blizzard | Ice Age | Rare | $1.00 | $0.87 |
Bogardan Phoenix | Visions | Rare | $1.50 | $1.59 |
Bone Dancer | Weatherlight | Rare | $3.83 | $4.25 |
Bone Mask | Mirage | Rare | $0.86 | $0.70 |
Boris Devilboon | Legends | Rare | $26.78 | $26.55 |
Bosium Strip | Weatherlight | Rare | $2.97 | $2.76 |
Braingeyser | Beta Edition | Rare | $890.00 | N/A |
Braingeyser | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $92.65 | $106.17 |
Braingeyser | Alpha Edition | Rare | $1500.00 | N/A |
Braingeyser | Revised Edition | Rare | $16.99 | $14.80 |
Brand of Ill Omen | Ice Age | Rare | $1.52 | $1.69 |
Breathstealer's Crypt | Visions | Rare | $4.85 | $4.67 |
Brushwagg | Mirage | Rare | $1.45 | $1.19 |
Bubble Matrix | Weatherlight | Rare | $6.54 | $7.05 |
Cadaverous Bloom | Mirage | Rare | $6.01 | $5.72 |
Call to Arms | Ice Age | Rare | $0.71 | $0.53 |
Candelabra of Tawnos | Antiquities | Rare | $58008.00 | $819.67 |
Canopy Dragon | Mirage | Rare | $1.87 | $2.31 |
Carnival of Souls | Urza's Destiny | Rare | $8.00 | $7.50 |
Carrion | Mirage | Rare | $4.34 | $4.44 |
Catacomb Dragon | Mirage | Rare | $3.18 | $3.35 |
Caverns of Despair | Legends | Rare | $51.25 | $44.75 |
Chain Stasis | Homelands | Rare | $3.35 | $3.35 |
Chains of Mephistopheles | Legends | Rare | $998.74 | $941.63 |
Chaos Harlequin | Alliances | Rare | $0.63 | $0.48 |
Chaos Orb | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $1550.00 | $1120.00 |
Chaos Orb | Beta Edition | Rare | $2387.50 | N/A |
Chaos Orb | Alpha Edition | Rare | $5500.00 | N/A |
Chaosphere | Mirage | Rare | $6.15 | $5.76 |
Chromatic Armor | Ice Age | Rare | $1.02 | $0.99 |
Chronatog | Visions | Rare | $2.75 | $2.69 |
Circle of Despair | Mirage | Rare | $2.50 | $2.68 |
Citanul Centaurs | Urza's Saga | Rare | $0.75 | $0.53 |
Citanul Druid | Antiquities | Uncommon | $10.88 | $10.01 |
City in a Bottle | Arabian Nights | Rare | $389.99 | $355.99 |
City of Shadows | The Dark | Rare | $57.84 | $57.17 |
City of Solitude | Visions | Rare | $14.55 | $13.30 |
City of Traitors | Exodus | Rare | $385.00 | $342.33 |
Cleanse | Legends | Rare | $23.80 | $17.80 |
Cleansing | The Dark | Rare | $10.02 | $10.02 |
Commander Greven il-Vec | Tempest | Rare | $3.02 | $4.34 |
Conch Horn | Fallen Empires | Rare | $3.10 | $2.95 |
Contract from Below | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $29.05 | $24.40 |
Contract from Below | Beta Edition | Rare | $437.80 | N/A |
Contract from Below | Alpha Edition | Rare | $755.56 | N/A |
Contract from Below | Revised Edition | Rare | $2.04 | $1.82 |
Copy Artifact | Beta Edition | Rare | $934.99 | $1499.99 |
Copy Artifact | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $272.30 | $197.99 |
Copy Artifact | Alpha Edition | Rare | $2000.00 | $2000.00 |
Copy Artifact | Revised Edition | Rare | $127.78 | $64.40 |
Corpse Dance | Tempest | Rare | $19.61 | $17.93 |
Corrosion | Visions | Rare | $1.50 | $1.10 |
Covetous Dragon | Urza's Destiny | Rare | $2.67 | $2.72 |
Crovax the Cursed | Stronghold | Rare | $1.21 | $1.10 |
Cursed Scroll | Tempest | Rare | $25.60 | $23.52 |
Cycle of Life | Mirage | Rare | $0.88 | $0.73 |
Cyclopean Tomb | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $119.99 | $123.93 |
Cyclopean Tomb | Alpha Edition | Rare | $1536.65 | N/A |
Cyclopean Tomb | Beta Edition | Rare | $360.95 | N/A |
Damping Field | Antiquities | Uncommon | $13.88 | $11.75 |
Darkpact | Alpha Edition | Rare | $677.50 | N/A |
Darkpact | Beta Edition | Rare | $181.30 | $129.60 |
Darkpact | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $20.47 | $21.39 |
Darkpact | Revised Edition | Rare | $1.04 | $0.88 |
Daughter of Autumn | Homelands | Rare | $0.88 | $0.79 |
Debt of Loyalty | Weatherlight | Rare | $10.31 | $10.21 |
Delif's Cube | Fallen Empires | Rare | $0.94 | $0.80 |
Demonic Attorney | Beta Edition | Rare | $176.00 | $249.99 |
Demonic Attorney | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $20.32 | $18.59 |
Demonic Attorney | Alpha Edition | Rare | $500.00 | N/A |
Demonic Attorney | Revised Edition | Rare | $1.50 | $1.23 |
Demonic Hordes | Alpha Edition | Rare | $799.85 | N/A |
Demonic Hordes | Revised Edition | Rare | $7.01 | $8.38 |
Demonic Hordes | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $142.80 | $49.99 |
Demonic Hordes | Beta Edition | Rare | $549.99 | N/A |
Deranged Hermit✨ | Judge Promos | Rare | $106.65 | $105.58 |
Deranged Hermit | Urza's Legacy | Rare | $56.35 | $56.18 |
Diamond Kaleidoscope | Visions | Rare | $1.15 | $1.15 |
Diamond Valley | Arabian Nights | Uncommon | $549.99 | $626.04 |
Didgeridoo | Homelands | Rare | $14.35 | $14.02 |
Discordant Spirit | Mirage | Rare | $0.75 | $0.64 |
Disharmony | Legends | Rare | $38.37 | $36.08 |
Divine Intervention | Legends | Rare | $161.49 | $163.84 |
Divine Retribution | Mirage | Rare | $0.99 | $0.82 |
Dominating Licid | Exodus | Rare | $2.84 | $2.84 |
Donate | Urza's Destiny | Rare | $7.11 | $6.88 |
Draconian Cylix | Fallen Empires | Rare | $1.01 | $1.01 |
Dream Halls | Stronghold | Rare | $29.99 | $23.19 |
Drop of Honey | Arabian Nights | Rare | $450.00 | $360.27 |
Dwarven Armorer | Fallen Empires | Rare | $3.14 | $3.00 |
Dwarven Pony | Homelands | Rare | $1.02 | $0.97 |
Dwarven Sea Clan | Homelands | Rare | $0.90 | $0.67 |
Dwarven Thaumaturgist | Weatherlight | Rare | $1.50 | $1.35 |
Dystopia | Alliances | Rare | $4.23 | $3.99 |
Earthcraft | Tempest | Rare | $149.99 | $137.85 |
Earthlink | Ice Age | Rare | $1.04 | $0.97 |
Ebon Praetor | Fallen Empires | Rare | $1.10 | $1.06 |
Eladamri, Lord of Leaves | Tempest | Rare | $64.60 | $60.80 |
Elder Spawn | Legends | Rare | $16.29 | $15.58 |
Elephant Graveyard | Arabian Nights | Rare | $264.60 | $266.64 |
Elkin Lair | Visions | Rare | $1.96 | $1.88 |
Elven Lyre | Fallen Empires | Rare | $0.72 | $0.76 |
Elvish Farmer | Fallen Empires | Rare | $3.33 | $2.97 |
Emberwilde Caliph | Mirage | Rare | $0.66 | $0.46 |
Emberwilde Djinn | Mirage | Rare | $0.75 | $0.56 |
Energy Bolt | Mirage | Rare | $1.10 | $1.07 |
Energy Storm | Ice Age | Rare | $1.07 | $0.98 |
Energy Vortex | Mirage | Rare | $0.88 | $0.70 |
Equipoise | Visions | Rare | $2.56 | $2.43 |
Ertai's Familiar | Weatherlight | Rare | $1.00 | $0.86 |
Ertai, Wizard Adept | Exodus | Rare | $8.49 | $7.98 |
Escaped Shapeshifter | Tempest | Rare | $1.25 | $1.13 |
Eternal Flame | The Dark | Rare | $5.44 | $5.03 |
Eureka | Legends | Rare | $400.00 | $405.00 |
Exalted Dragon | Exodus | Rare | $1.69 | $1.62 |
Exorcist | The Dark | Rare | $12.77 | $12.66 |
Eye of Singularity | Visions | Rare | $1.32 | $1.25 |
Faerie Noble | Homelands | Rare | $1.04 | $0.87 |
Falling Star | Legends | Rare | $119.50 | $117.23 |
Farmstead | Beta Edition | Rare | $175.00 | $197.80 |
Farmstead | Revised Edition | Rare | $1.00 | $0.98 |
Farmstead | Alpha Edition | Rare | $150.00 | $200.00 |
Farmstead | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $20.46 | $20.98 |
Fastbond | Alpha Edition | Rare | $800.00 | N/A |
Fastbond | Revised Edition | Rare | $31.99 | $32.41 |
Fastbond | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $91.29 | $91.35 |
Fastbond | Beta Edition | Rare | $781.22 | N/A |
Fatal Lore | Alliances | Rare | $1.00 | $0.63 |
Femeref Enchantress | Visions | Rare | $12.00 | $9.77 |
Field of Dreams | Legends | Rare | $117.25 | $138.74 |
Firestorm | Weatherlight | Rare | $19.50 | $13.10 |
Firestorm Hellkite | Visions | Rare | $1.00 | $0.86 |
Firestorm Phoenix | Legends | Rare | $29.97 | $32.15 |
Flooded Shoreline | Visions | Rare | $1.04 | $0.87 |
Floodwater Dam | Alliances | Rare | $0.71 | $0.55 |
Flow of Maggots | Ice Age | Rare | $1.14 | $1.06 |
Forbidden Ritual | Visions | Rare | $1.23 | $1.27 |
Forcefield | Beta Edition | Rare | $1000.99 | N/A |
Forcefield | Alpha Edition | Rare | $1200.00 | N/A |
Forcefield | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $648.99 | $470.75 |
Forethought Amulet | Legends | Rare | $22.20 | $21.68 |
Fork | Beta Edition | Rare | $600.90 | $355.25 |
Fork | Revised Edition | Rare | $36.85 | $34.41 |
Fork | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $119.95 | $137.50 |
Fork | Alpha Edition | Rare | $1635.18 | N/A |
Formation | Ice Age | Rare | $1.00 | $0.87 |
Forsaken Wastes | Mirage | Rare | $23.23 | $23.23 |
Frankenstein's Monster | The Dark | Rare | $9.65 | $8.71 |
Frenetic Efreet | Mirage | Rare | $5.40 | $4.62 |
Fungal Bloom | Fallen Empires | Rare | $2.00 | $1.89 |
Fungus Elemental | Weatherlight | Rare | $0.99 | $0.90 |
Fyndhorn Pollen | Ice Age | Rare | $0.75 | $0.63 |
Gaea's Avenger | Antiquities | Rare | $55.42 | $63.12 |
Gaea's Cradle✨ | Judge Promos | Rare | $2750.00 | $2363.49 |
Gaea's Cradle | Urza's Saga | Rare | $855.00 | $815.22 |
Gallowbraid | Weatherlight | Rare | $0.99 | $0.79 |
Gargantuan Gorilla | Alliances | Rare | $0.85 | $0.66 |
Gate to Phyrexia | Antiquities | Uncommon | $54.24 | $54.14 |
Gauntlet of Might | Beta Edition | Rare | $839.37 | N/A |
Gauntlet of Might | Alpha Edition | Rare | $1944.44 | N/A |
Gauntlet of Might | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $647.67 | $511.00 |
General Jarkeld | Ice Age | Rare | $0.96 | $0.71 |
Gilded Drake | Urza's Saga | Rare | $225.33 | $211.53 |
Glacial Crevasses | Ice Age | Rare | $3.34 | $4.91 |
Goblin Bomb | Weatherlight | Rare | $12.29 | $12.29 |
Goblin Flotilla | Fallen Empires | Rare | $0.77 | $0.69 |
Goblin Wizard | The Dark | Rare | $66.02 | $63.40 |
Golgothian Sylex | Antiquities | Rare | $29.40 | $26.21 |
Gosta Dirk | Legends | Rare | $20.00 | $19.34 |
Grandmother Sengir | Homelands | Rare | $0.82 | $0.73 |
Granite Gargoyle | Alpha Edition | Rare | $732.00 | N/A |
Granite Gargoyle | Revised Edition | Rare | $1.99 | $1.51 |
Granite Gargoyle | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $40.50 | $45.04 |
Granite Gargoyle | Beta Edition | Rare | $377.50 | $304.08 |
Grave Robbers | The Dark | Rare | $5.55 | $5.21 |
Gravebind | Ice Age | Rare | $0.90 | $0.75 |
Gravity Sphere | Legends | Rare | $64.75 | $65.21 |
Great Whale | Urza's Saga | Rare | $19.92 | $19.46 |
Griffin Canyon | Visions | Rare | $11.85 | $13.11 |
Grim Feast | Mirage | Rare | $4.57 | $3.47 |
Grim Monolith | Urza's Legacy | Rare | $325.00 | $311.50 |
Guardian Beast | Arabian Nights | Rare | $642.81 | $400.00 |
Guiding Spirit | Visions | Rare | $1.48 | $1.36 |
Gustha's Scepter | Alliances | Rare | $6.92 | $5.36 |
Gwendlyn Di Corci | Legends | Rare | $279.99 | $200.80 |
Hakim, Loreweaver | Mirage | Rare | $0.90 | $0.78 |
Halfdane | Legends | Rare | $34.46 | $32.27 |
Hall of Gemstone | Mirage | Rare | $13.60 | $10.96 |
Halls of Mist | Ice Age | Rare | $3.39 | $3.66 |
Hand of Justice | Fallen Empires | Rare | $1.25 | $1.31 |
Harbinger of Night | Mirage | Rare | $2.69 | $2.50 |
Hatred | Exodus | Rare | $45.09 | $43.64 |
Haunting Wind | Antiquities | Uncommon | $16.00 | $17.64 |
Hazduhr the Abbot | Homelands | Rare | $0.60 | $0.43 |
Hazezon Tamar | Legends | Rare | $157.91 | $159.55 |
Heart of Bogardan | Weatherlight | Rare | $0.99 | $0.94 |
Heart of Yavimaya | Alliances | Rare | $2.55 | $2.45 |
Heart Wolf | Homelands | Rare | $0.75 | $0.70 |
Heat Stroke | Weatherlight | Rare | $3.34 | $2.85 |
Hellfire | Legends | Rare | $119.37 | $107.99 |
Helm of Obedience | Alliances | Rare | $36.89 | $29.59 |
Herald of Serra | Urza's Saga | Rare | $2.83 | $2.93 |
Hidden Path | The Dark | Rare | $8.54 | $8.13 |
Hivis of the Scale | Mirage | Rare | $5.42 | $3.94 |
Homarid Shaman | Fallen Empires | Rare | $0.77 | $0.67 |
Hot Springs | Ice Age | Rare | $0.89 | $0.53 |
Humility | Tempest | Rare | $48.41 | $43.60 |
Icatian Lieutenant | Fallen Empires | Rare | $0.89 | $0.89 |
Icatian Skirmishers | Fallen Empires | Rare | $0.94 | $0.91 |
Ice Cauldron | Ice Age | Rare | $1.85 | $1.66 |
Ifh-BÃff Efreet | Arabian Nights | Rare | $178.99 | $143.00 |
Illusionary Mask | Alpha Edition | Rare | $874.93 | N/A |
Illusionary Mask | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $174.00 | $123.56 |
Illusionary Mask | Beta Edition | Rare | $350.98 | N/A |
Illusionary Presence | Ice Age | Rare | $0.75 | $0.61 |
Illusions of Grandeur | Ice Age | Rare | $9.51 | $8.87 |
Implements of Sacrifice | Fallen Empires | Rare | $0.86 | $0.79 |
Imprison | Legends | Rare | $15.24 | $11.21 |
In the Eye of Chaos | Legends | Rare | $252.35 | $124.06 |
Infernal Denizen | Ice Age | Rare | $0.89 | $0.67 |
Infernal Tribute | Weatherlight | Rare | $3.84 | $3.44 |
Infinite Authority | Legends | Rare | $15.99 | $15.30 |
Inner Sanctum | Weatherlight | Rare | $1.43 | $1.37 |
Intuition✨ | Judge Promos | Rare | $790.91 | $731.29 |
Intuition | Tempest | Rare | $151.98 | $146.28 |
Invoke Prejudice | Legends | Rare | $258.85 | $247.78 |
Island of Wak-Wak | Arabian Nights | Rare | $310.00 | $300.91 |
Ivory Gargoyle | Alliances | Rare | $0.75 | $0.67 |
Jabari's Influence | Mirage | Rare | $1.18 | $1.04 |
Jacques le Vert | Legends | Rare | $26.51 | $26.75 |
Jester's Mask | Ice Age | Rare | $5.01 | $5.28 |
Jihad | Arabian Nights | Rare | $175.25 | $135.79 |
Jovial Evil | Legends | Rare | $39.95 | $35.85 |
Jungle Patrol | Mirage | Rare | $1.04 | $1.00 |
Juzám Djinn | Arabian Nights | Rare | $2000.00 | $917.28 |
Kaervek's Spite | Visions | Rare | $3.45 | $3.43 |
Karn, Silver Golem | Urza's Saga | Rare | $14.43 | $14.00 |
Karn, Silver Golem✨ | From the Vault: Relics | Mythic | $13.09 | $11.60 |
Katabatic Winds | Visions | Rare | $1.33 | $1.21 |
Kaysa | Alliances | Rare | $3.66 | $3.37 |
Keeper of Tresserhorn | Alliances | Rare | $0.69 | $0.51 |
Khabál Ghoul | Arabian Nights | Uncommon | $113.24 | $109.95 |
King Suleiman | Arabian Nights | Rare | $150.72 | $102.67 |
Kjeldoran Knight | Ice Age | Rare | $1.13 | $1.22 |
Kjeldoran Outpost | Alliances | Rare | $8.30 | $7.36 |
Kjeldoran Phalanx | Ice Age | Rare | $1.00 | $0.92 |
Knights of Thorn | The Dark | Rare | $7.61 | $7.61 |
Knowledge Vault | Legends | Rare | $52.98 | $72.76 |
Kobold Overlord | Legends | Rare | $80.00 | $69.50 |
Kookus | Visions | Rare | $0.94 | $0.86 |
Koskun Falls | Homelands | Rare | $12.16 | $11.58 |
Krovikan Horror | Alliances | Rare | $2.39 | $2.35 |
Kudzu | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $19.44 | $10.68 |
Kudzu | Alpha Edition | Rare | $417.27 | N/A |
Kudzu | Revised Edition | Rare | $2.40 | $2.47 |
Kudzu | Beta Edition | Rare | $274.97 | N/A |
Kukemssa Pirates | Mirage | Rare | $2.25 | $2.48 |
Lady Caleria | Legends | Rare | $27.96 | $28.61 |
Lady Evangela | Legends | Rare | $42.43 | $31.70 |
Lake of the Dead | Alliances | Rare | $87.51 | $80.61 |
Land Cap | Ice Age | Rare | $1.06 | $1.08 |
Land Equilibrium | Legends | Rare | $112.65 | $103.23 |
Lava Tubes | Ice Age | Rare | $1.17 | $1.18 |
Leeches | Homelands | Rare | $4.00 | $4.87 |
Leering Gargoyle | Mirage | Rare | $0.75 | $0.52 |
Library of Alexandria | Arabian Nights | Uncommon | $1550.00 | $1274.41 |
Lich | Alpha Edition | Rare | $1900.00 | N/A |
Lich | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $161.13 | $162.25 |
Lich | Beta Edition | Rare | $341.50 | $208.14 |
Lichenthrope | Visions | Rare | $0.56 | $0.48 |
Liege of the Hollows | Weatherlight | Rare | $7.35 | $7.04 |
Life Matrix | Legends | Rare | $23.98 | $20.04 |
Lifeblood | Legends | Rare | $26.99 | $23.75 |
Lifeline | Urza's Saga | Rare | $22.34 | $24.55 |
Lightning Blow | Ice Age | Rare | $1.10 | $0.98 |
Lightning Cloud | Visions | Rare | $0.82 | $0.55 |
Lightning Dragon | Urza's Saga | Rare | $4.80 | $5.26 |
Lightning Dragon✨ | Prerelease Cards | Rare | $104.97 | $91.68 |
Lion's Eye Diamond | Mirage | Rare | $453.20 | $424.81 |
Living Plane | Legends | Rare | $239.23 | $226.78 |
Livonya Silone | Legends | Rare | $40.49 | $36.63 |
Lodestone Bauble | Alliances | Rare | $3.13 | $2.74 |
Lord of Tresserhorn | Alliances | Rare | $3.92 | $3.73 |
Lotus Vale | Weatherlight | Rare | $39.92 | $35.61 |
Lure of Prey | Mirage | Rare | $4.01 | $3.82 |
Lurker | The Dark | Rare | $4.20 | $3.98 |
Malignant Growth | Mirage | Rare | $0.81 | $0.48 |
Mammoth Harness | Homelands | Rare | $0.71 | $0.62 |
Mana Matrix | Legends | Rare | $73.73 | $54.29 |
Mana Vortex | The Dark | Rare | $16.32 | $14.70 |
Mana Web | Weatherlight | Rare | $18.00 | $20.49 |
Mangara's Tome | Mirage | Rare | $2.30 | $2.26 |
Maraxus of Keld | Weatherlight | Rare | $2.25 | $2.15 |
Marjhan | Homelands | Rare | $0.85 | $0.61 |
Marton Stromgald | Ice Age | Rare | $6.09 | $6.06 |
Martyr's Cry | The Dark | Rare | $7.42 | $5.89 |
Martyrs of Korlis | Antiquities | Uncommon | $6.20 | $5.53 |
Master of the Hunt | Legends | Rare | $42.49 | $37.02 |
Masticore | Urza's Destiny | Rare | $18.72 | $11.64 |
Masticore✨ | From the Vault: Relics | Mythic | $5.29 | $2.64 |
Meditate | Tempest | Rare | $7.43 | $6.85 |
Memory Jar✨ | From the Vault: Relics | Mythic | $41.11 | $40.64 |
Memory Jar | Urza's Legacy | Rare | $33.85 | $30.04 |
Mercenaries | Ice Age | Rare | $0.69 | $0.58 |
Merchant Ship | Arabian Nights | Uncommon | $33.49 | $35.95 |
Mesmeric Trance | Ice Age | Rare | $0.88 | $0.57 |
Metalworker | Urza's Destiny | Rare | $115.47 | $110.45 |
Mightstone | Antiquities | Uncommon | $7.99 | $7.74 |
Mind Over Matter | Exodus | Rare | $44.95 | $39.86 |
Mindbender Spores | Mirage | Rare | $1.60 | $1.50 |
Minion of Tevesh Szat | Ice Age | Rare | $0.85 | $0.79 |
Mirror Universe | Legends | Rare | $300.00 | $352.49 |
Misers' Cage | Mirage | Rare | $1.26 | $1.23 |
Misfortune | Alliances | Rare | $1.05 | $0.97 |
Mishra's Workshop | Antiquities | Rare | $2899.99 | $2675.00 |
Mist Dragon | Mirage | Rare | $3.41 | $3.26 |
Moat | Legends | Rare | $899.99 | $936.99 |
Mold Demon | Legends | Rare | $17.50 | $17.91 |
Morinfen | Weatherlight | Rare | $0.88 | $0.79 |
Morphling✨ | Judge Promos | Rare | $28.84 | $28.84 |
Morphling | Urza's Saga | Rare | $10.80 | $10.73 |
Mountain Titan | Ice Age | Rare | $0.75 | $0.60 |
Mox Diamond | Stronghold | Rare | $634.99 | $590.20 |
Mox Diamond✨ | From the Vault: Relics | Mythic | $849.95 | $863.92 |
Mox Emerald | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $3745.25 | $3000.00 |
Mox Emerald | Beta Edition | Rare | $8189.50 | N/A |
Mox Emerald | Alpha Edition | Rare | $5110.00 | N/A |
Mox Jet | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $5039.99 | N/A |
Mox Jet | Beta Edition | Rare | $8999.99 | N/A |
Mox Jet | Alpha Edition | Rare | $9899.99 | N/A |
Mox Pearl | Beta Edition | Rare | $3899.99 | N/A |
Mox Pearl | Alpha Edition | Rare | $6049.99 | N/A |
Mox Pearl | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $3200.00 | $0.03 |
Mox Ruby | Beta Edition | Rare | $3874.99 | N/A |
Mox Ruby | Alpha Edition | Rare | $12000.00 | N/A |
Mox Ruby | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $5999.99 | N/A |
Mox Sapphire | Alpha Edition | Rare | $14975.00 | N/A |
Mox Sapphire | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $6049.99 | $2700.00 |
Mox Sapphire | Beta Edition | Rare | $13500.00 | N/A |
Mudslide | Ice Age | Rare | $1.80 | $1.80 |
Multani, Maro-Sorcerer | Urza's Legacy | Rare | $6.05 | $7.58 |
Musician | Ice Age | Rare | $1.15 | $1.00 |
Mwonvuli Ooze | Weatherlight | Rare | $1.18 | $1.15 |
Mystic Decree | Homelands | Rare | $1.17 | $1.14 |
Mystic Might | Ice Age | Rare | $0.85 | $0.50 |
Nameless Race | The Dark | Rare | $4.05 | $3.63 |
Narwhal | Homelands | Rare | $1.31 | $1.21 |
Natural Balance | Mirage | Rare | $2.62 | $2.49 |
Natural Selection | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $91.41 | $79.22 |
Natural Selection | Beta Edition | Rare | $314.99 | N/A |
Natural Selection | Alpha Edition | Rare | $792.50 | N/A |
Nature's Wrath | Alliances | Rare | $1.64 | $1.69 |
Nether Void | Legends | Rare | $559.99 | $542.02 |
Niall Silvain | The Dark | Rare | $3.90 | $3.72 |
North Star | Legends | Rare | $30.99 | $26.76 |
Nova Pentacle | Legends | Rare | $29.99 | $26.95 |
Null Chamber | Mirage | Rare | $1.70 | $1.66 |
Null Rod | Weatherlight | Rare | $99.99 | $86.92 |
Oath of Ghouls | Exodus | Rare | $3.34 | $2.97 |
Ogre Enforcer | Visions | Rare | $0.54 | $0.44 |
Old Man of the Sea | Arabian Nights | Rare | $351.39 | $342.51 |
Omen of Fire | Alliances | Rare | $1.03 | $0.83 |
Opal Archangel | Urza's Saga | Rare | $2.57 | $2.57 |
Opalescence | Urza's Destiny | Rare | $32.48 | $28.05 |
Orim, Samite Healer | Tempest | Rare | $2.51 | $2.44 |
Palinchron | Urza's Legacy | Rare | $38.17 | $37.05 |
Paradigm Shift | Weatherlight | Rare | $6.99 | $6.12 |
Paupers' Cage | Mirage | Rare | $1.00 | $0.84 |
Peacekeeper | Weatherlight | Rare | $11.89 | $10.45 |
Pendrell Mists | Weatherlight | Rare | $6.67 | $5.72 |
Phantasmal Sphere | Alliances | Rare | $0.60 | $0.35 |
Phelddagrif | Alliances | Rare | $9.65 | $9.28 |
Phyrexian Devourer | Alliances | Rare | $12.49 | $11.89 |
Phyrexian Dreadnought✨ | Judge Promos | Rare | $412.96 | $404.30 |
Phyrexian Dreadnought | Mirage | Rare | $200.00 | $173.30 |
Phyrexian Marauder | Visions | Rare | $1.50 | $1.34 |
Phyrexian Negator✨ | Duel Decks: Phyrexia vs. the Coalition | Mythic | $5.28 | $4.34 |
Phyrexian Negator | Urza's Destiny | Rare | $14.64 | $14.85 |
Phyrexian Negator✨ | Judge Promos | Rare | $26.99 | $28.21 |
Phyrexian Portal | Alliances | Rare | $1.17 | $0.97 |
Phyrexian Purge | Mirage | Rare | $2.44 | $2.31 |
Phyrexian Tribute | Mirage | Rare | $1.80 | $1.66 |
Pillar Tombs of Aku | Visions | Rare | $1.10 | $1.04 |
Pixie Queen | Legends | Rare | $44.15 | $41.76 |
Planar Gate | Legends | Rare | $74.21 | $74.27 |
Plateau | Beta Edition | Rare | $3848.99 | N/A |
Plateau | Revised Edition | Rare | $337.47 | $327.84 |
Plateau | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $744.00 | $503.98 |
Plateau | Alpha Edition | Rare | $3299.99 | N/A |
Polar Kraken | Ice Age | Rare | $2.73 | $2.86 |
Political Trickery | Mirage | Rare | $7.06 | $6.07 |
Powder Keg✨ | Magic Player Rewards | Rare | $19.25 | $18.17 |
Powder Keg | Urza's Destiny | Rare | $34.99 | $18.38 |
Power Artifact | Antiquities | Uncommon | $170.80 | $163.71 |
Powerleech | Antiquities | Uncommon | $24.93 | $21.97 |
Preacher | The Dark | Rare | $35.30 | $30.41 |
Preferred Selection | Mirage | Rare | $1.04 | $0.99 |
Prismatic Lace | Mirage | Rare | $0.95 | $0.67 |
Psychic Allergy | The Dark | Rare | $4.00 | $3.52 |
Psychic Vortex | Weatherlight | Rare | $4.75 | $4.35 |
Purgatory | Mirage | Rare | $1.50 | $1.32 |
Purraj of Urborg | Mirage | Rare | $1.03 | $0.83 |
Pygmy Hippo | Visions | Rare | $2.46 | $2.41 |
Pyramids | Arabian Nights | Rare | $111.11 | $150.99 |
Quarum Trench Gnomes | Legends | Rare | $14.51 | $12.32 |
Quirion Druid | Visions | Rare | $1.99 | $1.75 |
Radiant, Archangel | Urza's Legacy | Rare | $7.50 | $8.14 |
Raging River | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $172.50 | $177.30 |
Raging River | Beta Edition | Rare | $498.50 | $220.00 |
Raging River | Alpha Edition | Rare | $1355.00 | N/A |
Ragnar | Legends | Rare | $34.95 | $32.66 |
Rainbow Efreet | Visions | Rare | $0.99 | $0.84 |
Rainbow Vale | Fallen Empires | Rare | $5.70 | $5.69 |
Ramses Overdark | Legends | Rare | $57.75 | $56.76 |
Rapid Fire | Legends | Rare | $14.17 | $13.71 |
Rashida Scalebane | Mirage | Rare | $1.49 | $1.26 |
Rasputin Dreamweaver | Legends | Rare | $143.20 | $117.62 |
Razor Pendulum | Mirage | Rare | $0.75 | $0.51 |
Reality Twist | Ice Age | Rare | $1.20 | $0.97 |
Recurring Nightmare | Exodus | Rare | $81.40 | $59.47 |
Recycle | Tempest | Rare | $4.33 | $4.89 |
Reflect Damage | Mirage | Rare | $3.02 | $3.09 |
Reparations | Mirage | Rare | $9.50 | $8.44 |
Replenish | Urza's Destiny | Rare | $104.99 | $88.88 |
Retribution of the Meek | Visions | Rare | $8.59 | $7.14 |
Reveka, Wizard Savant | Homelands | Rare | $1.00 | $0.81 |
Reverberation | Legends | Rare | $28.99 | $25.18 |
Righteous War | Visions | Rare | $1.74 | $1.62 |
Ring of Gix | Urza's Legacy | Rare | $1.00 | $0.89 |
Ring of Immortals | Legends | Rare | $33.34 | $33.01 |
Ring of Ma'ruf | Arabian Nights | Rare | $125.23 | $138.72 |
Ring of Renewal | Fallen Empires | Rare | $0.95 | $0.78 |
Ritual of Subdual | Ice Age | Rare | $1.11 | $1.05 |
Ritual of the Machine | Alliances | Rare | $3.49 | $2.90 |
River Delta | Ice Age | Rare | $1.00 | $0.97 |
River Merfolk | Fallen Empires | Rare | $1.00 | $0.84 |
Roc of Kher Ridges | Beta Edition | Rare | $350.00 | N/A |
Roc of Kher Ridges | Revised Edition | Rare | $1.81 | $1.78 |
Roc of Kher Ridges | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $29.45 | $35.58 |
Roc of Kher Ridges | Alpha Edition | Rare | $552.05 | N/A |
Rock Basilisk | Mirage | Rare | $0.91 | $0.85 |
Rock Hydra | Beta Edition | Rare | $268.14 | N/A |
Rock Hydra | Alpha Edition | Rare | $1140.00 | N/A |
Rock Hydra | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $36.09 | $42.13 |
Rock Hydra | Revised Edition | Rare | $3.87 | $3.87 |
Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary | Urza's Destiny | Rare | $64.92 | $44.07 |
Rogue Skycaptain | Alliances | Rare | $0.60 | $0.46 |
Rohgahh of Kher Keep | Legends | Rare | $51.19 | $48.74 |
Royal Decree | Alliances | Rare | $1.00 | $1.00 |
Rysorian Badger | Homelands | Rare | $0.88 | $0.83 |
Sandals of Abdallah | Arabian Nights | Uncommon | $28.78 | $28.32 |
Sands of Time | Visions | Rare | $7.07 | $5.61 |
Sarcomancy | Tempest | Rare | $12.57 | $8.48 |
Savannah | Alpha Edition | Rare | $3030.99 | N/A |
Savannah | Revised Edition | Rare | $334.96 | $312.86 |
Savannah | Beta Edition | Rare | $1650.00 | $1500.00 |
Savannah | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $555.52 | $572.35 |
Sawback Manticore | Mirage | Rare | $0.75 | $0.40 |
Scarwood Bandits | The Dark | Rare | $5.00 | $4.87 |
Scorched Ruins | Weatherlight | Rare | $60.84 | $59.54 |
Scrubland | Beta Edition | Rare | $2500.00 | N/A |
Scrubland | Revised Edition | Rare | $350.00 | $359.43 |
Scrubland | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $703.77 | $704.00 |
Scrubland | Alpha Edition | Rare | $9000.00 | N/A |
Season of the Witch | The Dark | Rare | $26.12 | $22.47 |
Second Chance | Urza's Legacy | Rare | $5.71 | $5.61 |
Sedge Troll | Beta Edition | Rare | $620.00 | $330.21 |
Sedge Troll | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $75.06 | $70.67 |
Sedge Troll | Alpha Edition | Rare | $1200.00 | $399.99 |
Sedge Troll | Revised Edition | Rare | $3.10 | $3.00 |
Seeds of Innocence | Mirage | Rare | $9.83 | $8.85 |
Selenia, Dark Angel | Tempest | Rare | $3.96 | $3.76 |
Serendib Djinn | Arabian Nights | Rare | $145.53 | $148.31 |
Serra Aviary | Homelands | Rare | $1.17 | $1.07 |
Serra's Sanctum | Urza's Saga | Rare | $327.55 | $295.92 |
Shahrazad | Arabian Nights | Rare | $494.99 | $456.13 |
Shallow Grave | Mirage | Rare | $57.80 | $52.60 |
Shauku, Endbringer | Mirage | Rare | $2.24 | $2.07 |
Sheltered Valley | Alliances | Rare | $0.99 | $0.74 |
Shimmer | Mirage | Rare | $3.33 | $3.62 |
Sidar Jabari | Mirage | Rare | $1.10 | $0.99 |
Silver Wyvern | Stronghold | Rare | $0.81 | $0.66 |
Singing Tree | Arabian Nights | Rare | $145.98 | $130.63 |
Skeleton Ship | Ice Age | Rare | $3.78 | $4.16 |
Sliver Queen | Stronghold | Rare | $263.57 | $240.69 |
Snowblind | Ice Age | Rare | $1.68 | $1.69 |
Soldevi Digger | Alliances | Rare | $2.85 | $2.54 |
Soldevi Excavations | Alliances | Rare | $10.94 | $10.00 |
Soldevi Golem | Ice Age | Rare | $0.86 | $0.69 |
Soraya the Falconer | Homelands | Rare | $1.90 | $1.83 |
Sorrow's Path | The Dark | Rare | $8.59 | $8.55 |
Soul Echo | Mirage | Rare | $1.00 | $0.97 |
Spectral Guardian | Mirage | Rare | $1.08 | $0.91 |
Spinal Villain | Legends | Rare | $31.01 | $37.14 |
Spirit of the Night | Mirage | Rare | $6.15 | $6.15 |
Spirit Shield | Fallen Empires | Rare | $0.77 | $0.68 |
Spiritual Sanctuary | Legends | Rare | $16.84 | $15.94 |
Splintering Wind | Alliances | Rare | $0.74 | $0.49 |
Spoils of Evil | Ice Age | Rare | $3.73 | $3.14 |
Spoils of War | Ice Age | Rare | $1.00 | $0.98 |
Squandered Resources | Visions | Rare | $34.38 | $31.28 |
Stone Calendar | The Dark | Rare | $10.81 | $10.83 |
Storm Spirit | Ice Age | Rare | $0.75 | $0.55 |
Storm World | Legends | Rare | $41.59 | $41.58 |
Su-Chi | Antiquities | Uncommon | $88.61 | $73.65 |
Subterranean Spirit | Mirage | Rare | $1.35 | $1.24 |
Suleiman's Legacy | Visions | Rare | $1.25 | $1.15 |
Survival of the Fittest✨ | Judge Promos | Rare | $1288.90 | $1199.99 |
Survival of the Fittest | Exodus | Rare | $243.00 | $209.73 |
Sustaining Spirit | Alliances | Rare | $2.15 | $2.15 |
Sword of the Ages | Legends | Rare | $90.29 | $93.37 |
Sworn Defender | Alliances | Rare | $0.66 | $0.47 |
Taiga | Revised Edition | Rare | $364.97 | $355.66 |
Taiga | Beta Edition | Rare | $4399.00 | N/A |
Taiga | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $749.99 | $770.00 |
Taiga | Alpha Edition | Rare | $3333.99 | N/A |
Tainted Specter | Mirage | Rare | $0.95 | $0.49 |
Taniwha | Mirage | Rare | $5.00 | $4.74 |
Tawnos's Coffin | Antiquities | Rare | $125.01 | $119.50 |
Teeka's Dragon | Mirage | Rare | $6.10 | $6.98 |
Teferi's Imp | Mirage | Rare | $1.13 | $1.12 |
Teferi's Isle | Mirage | Rare | $4.62 | $4.38 |
Teferi's Realm | Visions | Rare | $1.71 | $1.40 |
Telekinesis | Legends | Rare | $39.25 | $34.02 |
Telim'Tor | Mirage | Rare | $1.05 | $1.06 |
Telim'Tor's Edict | Mirage | Rare | $1.42 | $1.35 |
Temporal Aperture | Urza's Saga | Rare | $5.29 | $5.29 |
Tetsuo Umezawa | Legends | Rare | $98.15 | $97.67 |
Thawing Glaciers✨ | Judge Promos | Rare | $67.68 | $63.43 |
Thawing Glaciers | Alliances | Rare | $19.19 | $17.12 |
The Abyss | Legends | Rare | $640.30 | $654.55 |
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale | Legends | Rare | $3000.00 | $2939.99 |
Thelon's Curse | Fallen Empires | Rare | $0.67 | $0.53 |
Thelonite Monk | Fallen Empires | Rare | $1.00 | $0.86 |
Thought Lash | Alliances | Rare | $9.40 | $8.39 |
Thran Tome | Weatherlight | Rare | $0.97 | $0.82 |
Three Wishes | Visions | Rare | $5.25 | $2.92 |
Thrull Champion | Fallen Empires | Rare | $1.97 | $1.89 |
Thunder Spirit | Legends | Rare | $125.99 | $123.56 |
Tidal Control | Alliances | Rare | $1.00 | $0.81 |
Timberline Ridge | Ice Age | Rare | $1.00 | $1.00 |
Time Spiral | Urza's Saga | Rare | $112.46 | $100.23 |
Time Vault | Beta Edition | Rare | $2000.00 | N/A |
Time Vault | Alpha Edition | Rare | $2949.99 | N/A |
Time Vault | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $1630.00 | $849.99 |
Time Walk | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $6150.00 | $2499.99 |
Time Walk | Alpha Edition | Rare | $19900.00 | N/A |
Time Walk | Beta Edition | Rare | $4430.00 | N/A |
Timetwister | Alpha Edition | Rare | $11549.99 | $0.15 |
Timetwister | Beta Edition | Rare | $19999.99 | N/A |
Timetwister | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $6599.99 | N/A |
Timmerian Fiends | Homelands | Rare | $0.69 | $0.59 |
Tithe | Visions | Rare | $24.76 | $21.53 |
Tolarian Academy | Urza's Saga | Rare | $210.00 | $167.50 |
Tolarian Entrancer | Weatherlight | Rare | $2.39 | $2.37 |
Tolarian Serpent | Weatherlight | Rare | $1.50 | $1.09 |
Tombstone Stairwell | Mirage | Rare | $24.46 | $24.52 |
Tornado | Alliances | Rare | $0.77 | $0.55 |
Torrent of Lava | Mirage | Rare | $0.95 | $0.73 |
Tourach's Gate | Fallen Empires | Rare | $0.70 | $0.60 |
Tracker | The Dark | Rare | $5.16 | $4.97 |
Trailblazer | Ice Age | Rare | $0.70 | $0.58 |
Transmute Artifact | Antiquities | Uncommon | $405.50 | $396.33 |
Treachery | Urza's Destiny | Rare | $42.37 | $40.52 |
Triangle of War | Visions | Rare | $1.78 | $1.74 |
Tropical Island | Alpha Edition | Rare | $5990.00 | N/A |
Tropical Island | Beta Edition | Rare | $3500.00 | $2395.00 |
Tropical Island | Revised Edition | Rare | $519.99 | $498.38 |
Tropical Island | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $989.99 | $619.50 |
Tuknir Deathlock | Legends | Rare | $18.00 | $17.76 |
Tundra | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $1224.36 | $649.94 |
Tundra | Beta Edition | Rare | $4539.99 | $2200.00 |
Tundra | Revised Edition | Rare | $467.99 | $478.09 |
Tundra | Alpha Edition | Rare | $8979.81 | N/A |
Two-Headed Giant of Foriys | Beta Edition | Rare | $489.99 | $99.99 |
Two-Headed Giant of Foriys | Alpha Edition | Rare | $519.84 | $259.46 |
Two-Headed Giant of Foriys | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $79.97 | $72.64 |
Typhoon | Legends | Rare | $19.99 | $15.92 |
Underground Sea | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $1599.99 | $658.79 |
Underground Sea | Beta Edition | Rare | $8950.00 | N/A |
Underground Sea | Alpha Edition | Rare | $12949.84 | N/A |
Underground Sea | Revised Edition | Rare | $855.46 | $793.94 |
Undiscovered Paradise | Visions | Rare | $13.24 | $13.18 |
Unfulfilled Desires | Mirage | Rare | $24.89 | $18.99 |
Ur-Drago | Legends | Rare | $17.16 | $17.63 |
Urborg Justice | Weatherlight | Rare | $2.97 | $2.85 |
Urborg Stalker | Weatherlight | Rare | $1.12 | $0.93 |
Urza's Miter | Antiquities | Rare | $28.00 | $24.76 |
Varchild's War-Riders | Alliances | Rare | $4.50 | $4.11 |
Veldrane of Sengir | Homelands | Rare | $0.77 | $0.66 |
Veldt | Ice Age | Rare | $1.11 | $1.19 |
Ventifact Bottle | Mirage | Rare | $1.02 | $0.90 |
Vesuvan Doppelganger | Revised Edition | Rare | $19.10 | $19.70 |
Vesuvan Doppelganger | Alpha Edition | Rare | $1900.00 | N/A |
Vesuvan Doppelganger | Beta Edition | Rare | $1149.99 | $575.00 |
Vesuvan Doppelganger | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $104.78 | $45.99 |
Veteran Bodyguard | Beta Edition | Rare | $161.13 | $35.03 |
Veteran Bodyguard | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $41.83 | $41.83 |
Veteran Bodyguard | Revised Edition | Rare | $2.08 | $2.07 |
Veteran Bodyguard | Alpha Edition | Rare | $380.50 | N/A |
Viashivan Dragon | Visions | Rare | $1.31 | $1.31 |
Vodalian Knights | Fallen Empires | Rare | $0.79 | $0.70 |
Vodalian War Machine | Fallen Empires | Rare | $0.75 | $0.61 |
Volcanic Island | Beta Edition | Rare | $9899.99 | N/A |
Volcanic Island | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $1749.61 | $1257.03 |
Volcanic Island | Revised Edition | Rare | $699.83 | $695.31 |
Volrath's Shapeshifter | Stronghold | Rare | $3.84 | $3.19 |
Volrath's Stronghold | Stronghold | Rare | $95.93 | $83.62 |
Wall of Kelp | Homelands | Rare | $3.06 | $2.70 |
Wandering Mage | Alliances | Rare | $0.77 | $0.68 |
Warping Wurm | Mirage | Rare | $0.75 | $0.57 |
Wave of Terror | Weatherlight | Rare | $1.04 | $0.85 |
Weakstone | Antiquities | Uncommon | $7.53 | $6.40 |
Weatherseed Treefolk | Urza's Legacy | Rare | $1.72 | $1.69 |
Well of Knowledge | Weatherlight | Rare | $2.99 | $2.63 |
Wellspring | Mirage | Rare | $1.49 | $1.47 |
Wheel of Fortune | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $499.99 | $500.00 |
Wheel of Fortune✨ | Judge Promos | Rare | $1470.47 | $1470.47 |
Wheel of Fortune | Alpha Edition | Rare | $4050.00 | N/A |
Wheel of Fortune | Beta Edition | Rare | $3495.95 | N/A |
Wheel of Fortune | Revised Edition | Rare | $309.97 | $305.87 |
Willow Priestess | Homelands | Rare | $2.35 | $2.31 |
Willow Satyr | Legends | Rare | $75.00 | $74.75 |
Winding Canyons | Weatherlight | Rare | $24.98 | $24.12 |
Winter Sky | Homelands | Rare | $1.66 | $1.66 |
Winter's Chill | Ice Age | Rare | $2.85 | $2.78 |
Winter's Night | Alliances | Rare | $1.07 | $1.01 |
Wood Elemental | Legends | Rare | $17.08 | $15.29 |
Word of Command | Unlimited Edition | Rare | $210.00 | $241.31 |
Word of Command | Alpha Edition | Rare | $650.00 | N/A |
Word of Command | Beta Edition | Rare | $662.00 | $252.00 |
Worms of the Earth | The Dark | Rare | $6.99 | $7.06 |
Wormwood Treefolk | The Dark | Rare | $5.33 | $5.09 |
Xanthic Statue | Weatherlight | Rare | $0.69 | $0.50 |
Yare | Mirage | Rare | $0.87 | $0.78 |
Yavimaya Hollow | Urza's Destiny | Rare | $62.98 | $64.77 |
Yawgmoth's Bargain | Urza's Destiny | Rare | $19.47 | $18.45 |
Yawgmoth's Will | Urza's Saga | Rare | $175.24 | $160.65 |
Yawgmoth's Will✨ | Judge Promos | Rare | $529.99 | $521.10 |
Zelyon Sword | Fallen Empires | Rare | $0.65 | $0.60 |
Zephid | Urza's Saga | Rare | $1.24 | $1.24 |
Zhalfirin Crusader | Visions | Rare | $0.91 | $0.68 |
Zirilan of the Claw | Mirage | Rare | $14.47 | $13.29 |
Zuberi, Golden Feather | Mirage | Rare | $5.00 | $5.41 |