
Manlands are lands that can turn into creatures, usually for a specific mana cost, enabling unexpected attacks or blocks.

Blinkmoth NexusDarksteel Rare $3.47 $3.09
Blinkmoth NexusModern Masters Rare $2.99 $2.55
Blinkmoth NexusModern Masters 2015 Rare $3.13 $2.53
Cave of the Frost DragonAdventures in the Forgotten Realms Rare $0.57 $0.34
Celestial ColonnadeWorldwake Rare $1.11 $0.97
Celestial Colonnade✨Buy-A-Box Promos Rare $3.99 $4.04
Crawling BarrensPromo Pack: Zendikar Rising Rare $0.50 $0.33
Crawling Barrens✨Prerelease Cards Rare $0.92 $0.90
Crawling BarrensZendikar Rising Rare $0.40 $0.27
Crawling Barrens (Extended Art)Zendikar Rising Rare $0.74 $0.67
Creeping Tar PitWorldwake Rare $0.99 $0.86
Den of the BugbearAdventures in the Forgotten Realms Rare $2.70 $2.41
Dread StatuaryConspiracy: Take the Crown Uncommon $0.30 $0.17
Dread StatuaryDuel Decks: Jace vs. Vraska Uncommon $0.30 $0.23
Dread StatuaryWorldwake Uncommon $0.30 $0.16
Faceless HavenKaldheim Rare $0.45 $0.23
Faerie Conclave10th Edition Uncommon $0.77 $0.80
Faerie Conclave✨WPN & Gateway Promos Rare $3.13 $2.96
Faerie ConclaveUrza's Legacy Uncommon $1.10 $1.06
Faerie ConclaveCommander 2013 Uncommon $0.49 $0.35
Forbidding Watchtower10th Edition Uncommon $0.49 $0.25
Forbidding WatchtowerUrza's Legacy Uncommon $0.49 $0.46
Ghitu Encampment10th Edition Uncommon $0.35 $0.24
Ghitu Encampment✨Premium Deck Series: Fire and Lightning Uncommon $0.44 $0.27
Ghitu EncampmentDuel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning Uncommon $0.25 $0.20
Ghitu EncampmentUrza's Legacy Uncommon $0.35 $0.30
Hall of Storm GiantsAdventures in the Forgotten Realms Rare $1.14 $0.94
Hissing Quagmire✨Prerelease Cards Rare $3.35 $2.86
Hissing QuagmireOath of the Gatewatch Rare $1.00 $0.68
Hive of the Eye TyrantAdventures in the Forgotten Realms Rare $1.18 $0.95
Inkmoth NexusMirrodin Besieged Rare $14.79 $12.56
Inkmoth Nexus✨WMCQ Promos Rare $23.62 $21.17
Inkmoth NexusMirrodin Besieged Rare $14.79 $12.56
Lair of the HydraAdventures in the Forgotten Realms Rare $0.49 $0.36
Lavaclaw ReachesWorldwake Rare $0.72 $0.50
Lumbering Falls✨Prerelease Cards Rare $1.90 $1.81
Lumbering FallsBattle for Zendikar Rare $0.40 $0.20
Mishra's FactoryDuel Decks: Elspeth vs. Tezzeret Uncommon $0.48 $0.31
Mishra's Factory✨Judge Promos Rare $32.99 $28.43
Mishra's FactoryEternal Masters Uncommon $0.33 $0.16
Mishra's FactoryFourth Edition Uncommon $3.33 $3.30
Mishra's Factory (Fall)Antiquities Rare $117.81 $121.03
Mishra's Factory (Spring)Antiquities Rare $50.70 $49.88
Mishra's Factory (Summer)Antiquities Rare $129.96 $172.69
Mishra's Factory (Winter)Antiquities Uncommon $249.98 $309.88
Mobilized DistrictWar of the Spark Rare $0.26 $0.14
MutavaultMagic 2014 (M14) Rare $7.51 $7.02
MutavaultMorningtide Rare $11.95 $11.26
Mutavault✨Champs Promos Rare $989.95 $1179.95
Nantuko MonasteryArchenemy Uncommon $0.40 $0.25
Nantuko MonasteryJudgment Uncommon $0.30 $0.24
Needle Spires✨Prerelease Cards Rare $1.50 $1.34
Needle SpiresOath of the Gatewatch Rare $0.42 $0.23
Raging RavineWorldwake Rare $0.75 $0.57
Raging RavineWorldwake Rare $0.75 $0.57
Shambling VentBattle for Zendikar Rare $0.50 $0.30
Shambling Vent✨Prerelease Cards Rare $3.29 $2.50
Spawning Pool10th Edition Uncommon $0.50 $0.32
Spawning PoolUrza's Legacy Uncommon $0.45 $0.29
Stalking StonesTempest Uncommon $0.32 $0.28
Stalking StonesDuel Decks: Elspeth vs. Tezzeret Uncommon $0.28 $0.20
Stalking StonesMirrodin Uncommon $0.28 $0.23
Stirring WildwoodWorldwake Rare $0.63 $0.58
Stirring WildwoodDuel Decks: Zendikar vs. Eldrazi Rare $0.53 $0.36
Svogthos, the Restless TombDuel Decks: Izzet vs. Golgari Uncommon $0.30 $0.23
Svogthos, the Restless TombRavnica Uncommon $0.30 $0.26
Svogthos, the Restless TombCommander Uncommon $0.35 $0.29
Treetop Village✨FNM Promos Rare $7.98 $6.30
Treetop Village✨WPN & Gateway Promos Rare $5.02 $4.89
Treetop VillageDuel Decks: Nissa vs. Ob Nixilis Uncommon $0.47 $0.29
Treetop VillageUrza's Legacy Uncommon $1.30 $1.18
Treetop Village10th Edition Uncommon $0.59 $0.71
Treetop VillageDuel Decks: Garruk vs. Liliana Uncommon $0.50 $0.41
Treetop VillageDuel Decks: Knights vs. Dragons Uncommon $0.50 $0.39
Treetop VillageDuel Decks: Anthology Uncommon $0.65 $0.42
Wandering Fumarole✨Prerelease Cards Rare $1.40 $0.88
Wandering FumaroleOath of the Gatewatch Rare $0.50 $0.20
Zoetic CavernCommander 2014 Uncommon $0.29 $0.18
Zoetic CavernFuture Sight Uncommon $0.41 $0.40
Zoetic CavernCommander Uncommon $0.35 $0.25
Zoetic Cavern✨WPN & Gateway Promos Rare $1.54 $1.82
Zoetic CavernCommander 2015 Uncommon $0.25 $0.16