Weekly Winners (26-2016)

01 Jul
by Peter

Eldritch Moon spoilers are coming in and are causing movement on the markets! The set looks promising and there seems to be a lot of room for speculation. So, once again,  just in time for FNM, I present you the cards that will be the talk of the town tonight.

See something interesting, or do you have a question? Send me a tweet: @MTGPeter


#1 Allosaurus Rider +1894.1% ($16.95)

Allosaurus Rider

It has been a long time since a card spiked as hard as Allosaurus Rider today. The reason for this huge spike is a new card that will be printed in Eldritch Moon:


Since Eldritch Evolution does not care about power and toughness, but only looks at the converted mana cost, Allosaurus Rider is an insane combo with the card. You may remove 2 green cards instead of paying for it, so you can easily play both Allosaurus Rider and Eldritch Evolution as soon as turn 2. Allosaurus Rider is an elf, and that makes it even better, since Elves allow you to ramp, making it less of a problem when you are stuck with a fatty in your hands when you don't have the combo.

Allosaurus Rider instantly sold out everywhere, making it spike today. This combo seems Modern viable, maybe it will even see play in Legacy, but probably not as a tier deck. So it seems like it is time to dig out your craprares and see if you still have some copies of Allosaurus Rider lying around.


#2 Triskaidekaphobia +491.9% ($2.19)


Another big spike that is caused by a recent spoiler. Triskaidekaphobia is up because of this card:

The synergy between these cards could not be more obivous. Well, that is the reason why Triskaidekaphobia spiked. Unless these two cards become part of some competitive new brew, it will probably remain a casual/ EDH kind of combo. The combo is so straightforward that it is unfun. Even for a combo it is unfun, no need to make storm, count your mana or create a loop. You tap the tree and then play Triskaidekaphobia and wait for your next turn. Well, good job. GG. Next game? Maybe that one will be more interesting. 

#3 Ancient Tomb +23.7% ($23.74)

Ancient Tomb

No spike, but a card that is steadily creeping up in price. Ancient Tomb sees play in Legacy (Eldrazi, Sneak & Show) and in EDH. The new waste mana ruling makes it better than it was before. A lot of the time, City of Traitors is considered to be the better version of Ancient Tomb, and that is reflected in the price. Ancient Tomb is more than $100 cheaper than its Exodus counterpart. Since I play a deck (Sneak and Show) that uses both lands I can tell you that City of Traitors is just slightly better and there are enough situation in which Ancient Tomb gives you an advantage. That said, I have played competitive Legacy and netted some good results when I played Crystal Vein instead of City of Traitors. In Eldrazi the difference is much bigger, and City of Traitors is considerably better.


See something interesting, or do you have a question? Send me a tweet: @MTGPeter


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Like every week, just in time for (digital) FNM, I'll now tell you about the cards that will be the talk of the (digital) town tonight!

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