This Week in Magic - Week 6

10 Feb
by Jeremy Lichtenberger

Congrats go to Lucas Esper Berthoud from Brazil for taking down Pro Tour Aether Revolt! The Standard top 8 wasn't diverse, but then again the Pro Tour has its own meta. Cards have been moving all over the place in the wake of another Pro Tour event, so let's see what happened this week in Magic.


Sigil of Distinction

Are you ready to hear more about Cheeri0s? Good, me neither. Sigil of Distinction, yet another 0 drop featured in the deck, has gone from a $0.25 rare to actual real money! I saw a few copies of it last weekend for SCG regionals, but it didn't seem to put up any real results nationwide. I think people threw the deck together quickly without really testing it, as I saw many mistakes being made. That being said, I still think they deck is very dangerous and we should keep our eye on it.


Scrapheap Scrounger

There were 31 copies of Scrapheap Scrounger in the top 8 for Pro Tour Aether Revolt. It's no wonder then why it went up. A solid beater for 2, it has risen to the top as one of the most played cards for ALL Standard decks. I think it even has Modern level power. Even though it has spiked, you can still get a playset for under $20, so I think the value is still solid.


True-Name Nemesis

One of my favorite blue cards, True-Name Nemesis has gone up finally. It came out of the gates swinging, but thanks to Commander 2013 being printed so much, it dropped. It sees a ton of Legacy play in a number of decks, and I was always surprised why it was so cheap. They are over the $20 mark now, but still a long way from its previous $40 mark.


Heart of Kiran

Heart of Kiran proved that it would be the replacement to Smuggler's Copter. Probably a more balanced version of the 2 drop flying vehicle, Heart of Kiran saw substantial play in last weekend's Pro Tour and is prevalent in white based Standard decks. I don't expect them to creep much higher than $20-$25 range though.


Chalice of the Void

Chalice of the Void saw an uptick, and I would like to think that it's NOT because it demolishes Cheeri0s. That being said, Chalice is played in many, many Modern decks both in the main and in the side, so a substantial spike like this one could be attributed to the uptick in Eldrazi Tron decks more than likely, but also because Chalice is just plain good!

Cheap pickups of the Week!

All the medallions (Emerald Medallion, Jet Medallion, Pearl Medallion, Ruby Medallion and Sapphire Medallion) are dirt cheap right now. You can have your choice of Commander 2014 or Tempest for pennies on the dollar. They play very well in 2 color or less Commander decks. Another awesome Commander card that doesn't see a lot of play is Vedalken Orrery. It fits in any deck, but its better in decks without blue, as they have access to Leyline of Anticipation. Finally, I think Gonti's Machinations is a fabulous enchantment, and when paired with fetch lands, it's an amazingly efficient card! They are basically free right now, so I would hold on to any that you come in contact with.

MTGStocks chart of the Week!

In a brand new segment that I definitely stole from my buddy Dan over at Power Nine (Visit his Facebook Page here!) I will post a snip of a card's price graph, and you have to guess which card it is. I will post the answer next week. Good luck!

Conversation of the Week!

With Wizard's latest announcement, some feel that Modern will be getting even less time in the spotlight. Well, to be fair, it will be getting less time in the spotlight. I can't argue that Standard is what makes Wizard's money, while Modern and eternal formats are the older, but much cooler brother. I think Wizard's is trying to feel their way through this season, and profits don't lie. I just fear a day when Modern players are like Legacy players; few and far between.

The best Commander card you're not playing!

I present to you the angry baby maker, Dragon Broodmother. The one creature that WILL win you the game if left unchecked. You can either pump out 1/1's every turn, or cash them in for a bigger dragon. In one turn cycle, things can go from manageable to out of control!

More from Jeremy Lichtenberger:

This Week in Magic - Week 43

Pro Tour Ixalan is upon us, and it is happening after the meta has been cemented, which stands to have decks break out of the dark and surprise us all. There were a number of interesting spikes this week thanks to a new Modern deck taking over, and we discuss some awesome foil spikes. Without further ado, I give you, this week in Magic!

Repentant Blacksmith Meddling Mage Ancient Ziggurat

This Week in Magic - Week 42

We had a somewhat uneventful week, as Modern and Standard are still struggling to establish a solid meta, but unexpectedly we saw quite a few spikes in older cards. It's a brewers paradise out there, so at any moment a random card or group of cards can take over a format. Let's see what kind of movement we had, this week in Magic!

Ice Cauldron Marionette Master Corpse Harvester

This Week in Magic - Week 42

This week was plagued with old, obscure cards, but between the fog shined a few gems. We also had an interesting no bans announcement from Wizards that hinted something may be coming off of the ban list in Modern. Let’s plow through all the crazy cards that saw an uptick, this week in Magic!

Urborg Justice Anointed Procession Kindred Dominance

This Week in Magic - Week 41

We have the Nationals this weekend alongside SCG Charlotte, so prepare for some great Magic action! Standard is still trying to figure the meta out post Worlds, and Modern is still up for grabs. There was a little bit of everything spiking this week, from reserved list cards (shocking) to Ixalan cards. Let's check out our spikes, this week in Magic!

Quicksilver Fountain Erhnam Djinn Search for Azcanta

This Week in Magic - Week 40

World’s is upon us and I hope you’re all as excited as I am. SCG Dallas gave us a glimpse into what the new meta is going to look like and there weren’t too many surprises. On the heels of the first large tournament in new Standard, we had some movement in new and older cards. Let’s get into all the top market movement, this week in Magic!

Volrath\'s Shapeshifter Rishadan Footpad Hostage Taker

This Week in Magic - Week 39

Ixalan is here! While I am rejoicing that, I am also weeping as I say goodbye to Eldrazi in Standard. We have a brand new Standard upon us and from what I’ve seen, people are struggling to find new decks that perform well. As people try new things, cards will go up and down at the drop of a hat. Let’s take a look at what movement we saw this week, in Magic.

Hostage Taker Morphling Living Wish

This Week in Magic - Week 38

Who’s ready for dinosaurs and pirates? I know I am! I’ve built a super sweet U/B pirates list and I can’t wait to play it on MTGO and in paper. We’ve had some expected movement in the reserved list segment, but also a hype train for a big bad dino. Hopefully everyone has a fun and safe pre-release, so let’s all board the ship to Ixalan, this week in Magic!

Carnage Tyrant Well of Knowledge Knacksaw Clique

This Week in Magic - Week 37

What a week! Iconic Masters dropped at Hascon, and pictures were flooding in at the same time more spoilers for Ixalan were getting dropped. It was an insane Friday and while we got some great cards, the market didn’t really shift too much. Let’s breakdown all the madness, this week in Magic!

Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund Psionic Blast Preemptive Strike

This week in Magic - Week 36

I had a bit of madness at work last week and unfortunately wasn’t able to publish an article, which is unfortunate because FAR too many things happened in the Magic world. Ixalan spoilers are in full swing, dinosaurs are awesome, and Planeswalkers have finally been turned in legendary permanents. Let’s take a deep breath and dive into this week in Magic!

Empress Galina Opt Urza\'s Tower (Mountains)

This week in Magic - Week 34

If you thought there were a lot of reserved list buyouts last week, this week will make you sick. I’m going to try and avoid talking about most of the unplayable cards this week, other than one of my favorite Legends. This week will be a shorter article as I've been on the road and haven't had great access to a computer/internet. Let’s try to push through all these movements, this week in Magic!

Gwendlyn Di Corci Dragonlord Dromoka Voidmage Prodigy