Weekly Winners 2019 - 30

26 Jul
by Peter

Three winners, with three different stories. The release of M20, speculation about Commander 2019 and brewing are influencing the top of the market this week. So, just in time for FNM, I'll now tell you about the cards that will be the talk of the town tonight!


#1 Volcanic Dragon $3.99(+19,850.00%)

Volcanic Dragon


Wow. This is one of the biggest spikes we have ever seen. Volcanic Dragon shot up overnight with almost twenty thousand percentage points. The spike might be unique, the reasons for the spike are quite mundane. Volcanic Dragon is part of the M20 Welcome Decks. The fact that Volcanic Dragon has an M20 card symbol does not mean you can get it from a booster. You can only obtain it by getting a welcome pack.

But there is another reason why Volcanic Dragon spiked so hard. Its original price listing was just $0.02. Which is a lower price than any other card from M20. The worst commons start at $0.03. The lower the first price started, the bigger spikes can get (percentage wise). Interestingly, Volcanic Dragon is not more expensive than commons in the welcome packs. The card might have an uncommon rarity, but this is totally virtual. There are just as many Disentombs printed. There is just one of those in the black Welcome Deck. It will be interesting to see if the silver logo of Volcanic Dragon has an effect on its price in the long term, compared to commons.


Volcanic Dragon
Core Set 2020 CardKingdom $0.25 TCGPlayer $3.99


#2 Dream Chisel $3.91 (+315.96%)

Dream Chisel


Last week we saw Catalyst Stone spike. One European distributor had an introductory text about the Commander 2019 set. The page has been edited, but it used to say this: Each deck has a returning keyword ability as its main theme. The four featured abilities are populate, flashback, morph, and madness.

If morph is going to be a theme, backed up with Commanders that support the ability, older cards with the keyword suddenly become relevant. Since we don't know in what way morph sees use in Commander 2019, it is hard to speculate what cards might spike because of the set.

But Dream Chisel looks like a safe bet. Making morph cheaper is relevant in any deck that uses the keyword. Keep a good eye on the price of the card in the coming weeks. Dream Chisel is one of those rares that sits in 'crap rare' shoeboxes and in bulk boxes at your local LGS. People will start digging and try to sell or trade away their copies. Depending on how widely morph is used in Commander 2019 and the power of the Commanders, Dream Chisel might go up more.

Dream Chisel
Onslaught CardKingdom $1.29 TCGPlayer $3.91


#3 Field of the Dead $2.95 (+128.68%)

Field of the Dead


I'm happy that at least one of our three winners this week is connected to brewing new decks and trying out new strategies. Sure, the seven lands with different names seems like a high bar to meet; but there are enough possibilities to pull this off. Even in Standard. Getting a 2/2 every time you play Field of the Dead or another land is powerful. Especially when you have several copies of Field of the Dead on the battlefield.

Brewers have been trying out the card in Standard, Modern and Legacy. Check out the decklists!

Lands by Urawik3



Field of the Dead
Core Set 2020 CardKingdom $2.99 TCGPlayer $2.95


Cheap Pickups

Please note: for our 'record low' we consider the price of the card over the past 7 years. Many cards have been even cheaper (a) decade(s) ago. Also note: some cards are still going down, and might be even cheaper pickups next week.


Tarmogoyf $49.95 - Record low and going down


Noble Hierarch $42.48 - Record low and likely to drop more
Noble Hierarch


Entomb $16.16 - Record low and going down


Entomb CardKingdom $16.99 TCGPlayer $16.16
Tarmogoyf CardKingdom $59.99 TCGPlayer $49.95
Noble Hierarch CardKingdom $39.99 TCGPlayer $42.58

More from Peter:

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Like every week, just in time for (digital) FNM, I'll now tell you about the cards that will be the talk of the (digital) town tonight!

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Desolation Tergrid, God of Fright Coordinated Assault


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Like every week, just in time for (digital) FNM, I'll now tell you about the cards that will be the talk of the (digital) town tonight!

Rhys the Exiled Pox Ashnod\'s Altar


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