Some big spikes this week, and also some cards that keep on rising. It seems that the finance market is getting more interesting again! So, just in time for FNM, I'll tell you what cards will be the talk of the town tonight.
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Fatestitcher is one of the biggest spikes this year, it went up 1004.2% this week, after the Jeskai Combo deck in modern had a good performance on the MTG Worlds. In the deck, Fatestitcher is used as a mana elf, sort of. You can untap your lands in order to tap them again for mana. Because it is blue you can have mana acceleration without having to splash green into the deck. And don't forget that it works with Jeskai Ascendancy as well, since you get to untap (and +1/+1) it for every non-creature spell you play.
Right after the release of KTK, people said that Jeskai Ascendancy should get banned, because the deck is too good in modern. It was said that Wizards does not want a deck in modern that can win on turn 2. But Jeskai Ascendancy is still here. Still unbanned.
Even now people on webforums are saying that you should not buy into any cards that spike because of Jeskai Ascendancy. And that the card is going to be banned for sure. It is up to you to decide who is right.
Both printings of Chalice of the Void have gained in value significantly. Chalice of the Void is now almost a $15 card, and with good reason. It's a very versatile, crossformat sideboard piece. Check out last week's winners for more on the card.
#3 Choke +109.4% ($3.12)
The #3 of this week is Choke, another crossformat sideboardpiece that has gained in popularity and now also in price. It is a decent card against any fast decks that use blue. Aside from Merfolks, it is also good against UR Delver, Storm Combo and Ascendancy decks.
Choke sees play in Legacy too, but the 3 CMC is a lot more prohibitive in that format. But, with some mana dorks or other acceleration it can still be a solid drop against certain opponents. Remember that Blood Moon is also a solid sideboard card in Legacy, even though it has a 3 CMC and has to be dropped early in the game to really be effective. With Choke that is less of a problem, since your opponent can still use their islands 1 more time. But the earlier the you drop it, the better it is.
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