African Swallow - Birds of Paradise















Europe avg

Foil multiplier 1.45x
Highest buylist $0.01
Spread 100%
Daily Change $-0.13
Weekly Change $0.63
Monthly Change $0.02

Birds of Paradise

Creature - Bird

Flying : Add one mana of any color.

legal Legacy
legal Vintage
legal Modern
not legal Standard
not legal Pioneer
not legal Pauper
legal Historic
legal Commander

Date Low Average High Market Foil Market
Sep 16, 2024 $23.89 $25.86 $55.00 $23.97 $37.48 $29.67
Sep 15, 2024 $23.89 $25.99 $55.00 $23.97 $35.00 $29.48
Sep 14, 2024 $23.77 $25.86 $55.00 $23.98 $35.00 $29.48
Sep 13, 2024 $23.20 $25.72 $55.00 $23.97 $35.00 $29.20
Sep 12, 2024 $23.20 $25.66 $39.99 $23.89 $34.19 $29.04
Sep 11, 2024 $23.20 $25.72 $39.99 $23.89 $34.19 $28.74
Sep 10, 2024 $23.20 $25.66 $39.99 $23.90 $34.19 $28.55
Sep 9, 2024 $23.20 $25.23 $39.99 $23.67 $34.09 $28.33
Sep 8, 2024 $23.66 $25.23 $39.99 $23.69 $34.99 $28.33
Sep 7, 2024 $23.66 $25.42 $39.99 $23.73 $34.59 $28.01


All Time Low


Aug 31, 2024

All Time High


Jul 31, 2024

Reserved list?

Foil multiplier 1.45x
Highest buylist $0.01
Spread 100%
Daily Change $-0.13
Weekly Change $0.63
Monthly Change $0.02

Other sets

10th Edition#252 $6.65 €5.07
30th Anniversary Edition#182 $122.98 €129.29
30th Anniversary Edition#479 $1000.00 €184.99
7th Edition#231 $12.07 €8.38
8th Edition#233 $8.55 €5.59
Alpha Edition#186 $3999.99 €3504.27
Beta Edition#187 $4295.00 €1707.80
Buy-A-Box Promos#165 $29.96 N/A
Classic Sixth Edition#217 $8.30 €7.24
Collector's Edition#95 $74.49 €55.76
Commander: Bloomburrow#81 $5.45 N/A
Commander: The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth#235 $7.87 €6.82
Conspiracy: Take the Crown#176 $6.62 €5.68
Dominaria Remastered#151 $6.99 €6.07
Dominaria Remastered#336 $5.96 €6.58
Dominaria Remastered#439 $5.80 €6.44
Fifth Edition#280 $7.77 €6.51
Fourth Edition#234 $7.83 €7.66
Fourth Edition (Foreign Black Border) N/A N/A
Fourth Edition (Foreign White Border) N/A €7.08
International Edition#187 $133.49 €80.92
Magic 2010 (M10)#168 $6.92 €5.12
Magic 2011 (M11)#165 $6.49 €6.04
Magic 2012 (M12)#165 $6.80 €5.75
Mystery Booster Cards#1138 $6.84 €5.95
Ravnica#153 $7.77 €4.90
Ravnica Allegiance: Guild Kits#82 $6.58 €5.07
Ravnica Remastered#432 $7.97 €8.17
Ravnica Remastered#344 $5.38 N/A
Ravnica Remastered#133 $7.53 €6.21
Revised Edition#187 $14.79 €11.64
Revised Edition (Foreign Black Border)#187 N/A €84.00
Revised Edition (Foreign White Border) N/A €7.42
Secret Lair Series#1148 $11.54 €10.59
Secret Lair Series#92 $8.96 €10.99
Secret Lair Series#1147 $8.22 €10.59
Secret Lair Series#176 $6.22 €6.94
Summer Magic#187 N/A €3.00
Unlimited Edition#187 $295.99 €223.43
World Championship Decks $2.84 €3.39
World Championship Decks $3.81 €3.49
World Championship Decks $3.17 €3.66
World Championship Decks $6.67 €3.90
World Championship Decks $3.82 €5.00
World Championship Decks $10.20 €3.93
World Championship Decks $4.99 €4.55