Weekly Winners 2021 - 31

06 Aug
by Arjen

In my mind spoiler season has just finished, but we are apparently on the brink of another spoiler season for the new Innistrad: Midnight Hunt set. The first cards have been spoiled, but we don't see any price fluctuations happening because of it yet. It may also be a bit preliminary, so we may see this happening the coming week. This week we see commander movement and even some Legacy!

Like every week, just in time for FNM, I'll now tell you about the cards that will be the talk of the town tonight!

Come discuss this week's price movements with us on Reddit.


#1 Didgeridoo $39.99 (+84%)



Homelands has been one of the laughing stock when it comes to set value. Well, not if Didgeridoo has anything to say about it! This artifact's price trajectory has been riddled with spikes for years now. Every few years it gets some new hype and barely settles back to its previous price point. But since mid 2020 the spikes are far more frequent severe.

The reason is that Wizard has been pushing certain tribes more and more, of which Minotaurs is one. We have seen several new minotaurs being printed in recent sets, meaning you can sneak in the most powerful ones for only at instant speed with Didgeridoo. It sees more commander play because of this, and it has even been noticed by the Legacy community. The deck recently 5-0'd in a Legacy Challenge spiking the interest in Didgeridoo. Remember the card is on the reserved list and thus one of the cards that will trigger most people to quickly get a few copies. The deck that 5-0'd is a mix between Minotaurs and a Painter strategy.

But Saffron Olive also piloted the deck last week in his Against the Odds series on YouTube. This has also drawn a lot of eyes on the card. The deck Seth piloted revolved around getting the Minotaur beatdown plan going rather than having the Grindstone plan as well.







#2 The Ur-Dragon $73.66 (+54%)

The Ur-Dragon


Just like last weeks we see dragons moving in price. It's a popular tribal in commander and there are plenty of commanders to choose from. One of these commanders is The Ur-Dragon. It is only available in foil, and we also see the Secret Lair version moving up. The Ur-Dragon already was a popular commander, but with more dragons being printed recently it is gaining in popularity. Of course one of the more notable prints recently is Tiamat. We also see Scion of the Ur-Dragon go up to $9.99 with +65%.

The Ur-Dragon
The Ur-Dragon


#3 Jeska's Will $19.50 (+27%)

Jeska's Will


For people who (regularly) play commander decks, Jeska's Will is not a new card and they probably already know how insanely powerful this Sorcery can be. For you can easily make 5 to 7 mana on turn 2 or 3, and if you have your commander in play, simultaneously "draw three" (* restrictions apply) which you may play with this mana.

The card hasn't been cheap already, but it went up again. Besides the play it already sees it is a solid upgrade to the Planar Portal commander deck, or in new decks people build around its commander Prosper, Tome-Bound. Jeska's Will sees play in several other commander decks as well, like Kalain, Reclusive Painter and Inferno of the Star Mounts. It has been featured before on The Command Zone, always wreaking havoc, but last week it was played again on Game Knights in a deck around Radha, Heir to Keld.



Cheap Pickups

Please note: for our 'record low' we consider the price of the card over the past 7 years. Many cards have been even cheaper (a) decade(s) ago. Also note: some cards are still going down, and might be even cheaper pickups next week.


Mirari's Wake $5.49 - Trending down slowly
Mirari's Wake


Hullbreacher $7.53 - Crashed, and trending down


Tarmogoyf $31.00 - Stable


Mirari's Wake

Arjen has been playing Magic since Ice Age and has mostly played the Legacy format. Ten years ago he founded MTGStocks because he and his friends wanted to buy Magic singles at the right time to play with.

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