Weekly Winners 2022 - 05

04 Feb
by Arjen

The spoilers for Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty are in full swing and we see quite some movement in prices because of cards being printed. It is looking to become a really fun set to play with and am really excited to see how Standard will start to shape up when it releases. This week we discuss cards that move because of this set, but also one mover because of Legacy.

Like every week, just in time for FNM, I'll now tell you about the cards that will be the talk of the town tonight!

Come discuss this week's price movements with us on Reddit.


#1 Artificer's Intuition $43.50 (+1593%)

Artificer's Intuition


With the Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty spoilers in full swing it is no surprise that we would see some hefty spikes across the board, but a spike of over 1500% is not that common to see. Not even in spoiler season. But this is the first day of the spike, meaning copies will start entering the market as people realise the card is worth something. The price will come down and there is no way it will keep this price point.

That being said, lets talk a bit about why the card spiked. Like I mentioned, it has to do with a new card from Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Containment Construct. Let's take a look at this card.

When I saw this card I immediately knew there would definitely be some combos or interactions that would break this card. I didn't realise it would barely take 4 minutes for someone to figure out a combo. The combo works with Artificer's Intuition, Containment Construct, Elixir of Immortality and Lion's Eye Diamond.

  1. Have Artificer's Intuition and Containment Construct in play with available and any artifact card in hand
  2. Activate Artificer's Intuition and discard the artifact card to find Lion's Eye Diamond. You now have , with 3 LED left in the deck.
  3. Activate Artificer's Intuition, discard LED and find another LED. You now have , with 2 LED left in the deck.
  4. Cast Lion's Eye Diamond through Containment Construct's ability (since you just discarded it)
  5. Activate Artificer's Intuition, discard LED, sacrifice the LED on the battlefield in response for , find your third LED. 1 LED left in the deck.
  6. Cast Lion's Eye Diamond through Containment Construct's ability (since you just discarded it)
  7. Activate Artificer's Intuition, discard LED, sac LED on battlefield in response for , get Elixir of Immortality. You now have available, 1 LED left in deck.
  8. Cast Lion's Eye Diamond through Containment Construct's ability (since you just discarded it)
  9. Activate Artificer's Intuition and discard Elixir of Immortality, sacrifice LED in response for and find your last LED. You now have 7 .
  10. Cast Elixir of Immortality through Containment Construct's ability (since you just discarded it)
  11. Activate Elixir of Immortality. You now have , and you shuffle your Elixir of Immortality and 3 LED back into your deck. You still have 1 LED in hand.
  12. Go infinite mana by repeating the cycle. Once you have enough mana you can find your kill condition like Walking Ballista.

I definitely didn't think of this combo by myself. It seems it was thought up by @monkeyscantcry on Twitter. It doesn't help that it was retweeted by Saffron Olive shortly after which probably fed into the spike.

Now lets talk about the viability here. A four card combo that can only be played in Legacy. One of the combo pieces is that you need 4 Lion's Eye Diamond in your deck. This is a reserved list card and currently costs you $571 a piece. The chance that casual players will utilise this combo is next to nothing. Also in Legacy I don't think the combo is good enough to put up real results, but we'll see. But nevertheless we cannot deny that Artificer's Intuition does have some serious synergy with Containment Construct. But it's definitely not worth $43.

That being said, I am pretty sure there are more insane synergies with Containment Construct. This card seems nuts.


Artificer's Intuition
Elixir of Immortality
Lion's Eye Diamond


#2 Sanctum of All $2.09 (+143%)

Sanctum of All


This card went up with 143%, which comes down to it being... slightly over 2 dollars. Sure, the absolute value is not that shocking, but it is one of the largest risers the past week. The reason why it went up will not surprise anyone and again it is due to Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty spoilers. Just like the old Kamigawa sets we see a new shrine cycle being printed. This time the shrines are not just enchantments, but enchantment creatures. This cycle consists of:

Sanctum of All is an auto-include in all decks that revolve around shrines and can support the casting cost. It enables you to find the shrine you need the most at that moment, even when its already in your graveyard, and shrines can have their abilities trigger an additional time if you have sufficient shrines on the battlefield. Even for $2 I think this is a fine pick up, since these cycles really allude to the casual crowd.

Sanctum of All
Go-Shintai of Shared Purpose
Go-Shintai of Ancient Wars
Go-Shintai of Hidden Cruelty
Go-Shintai of Boundless Vigor


#3 Meltdown $13.28 (+87%)



This is one of those cards from an older set, in this case Urza's Saga, that really should get a reprint. This uncommon Sorcery is a popular sideboard card in Legacy decks since it can deal with a lot of artifacts at the same time for a small cost. Especially in a format where cards are high powered, but low costed, even is 2 can wipe most artifacts. Even with being 0 you can wipe out powerful hate cards like Chalice of the Void. But of course one of the major culprits of Meltdown being necessary are Urza's Saga decks which we see in abundance in Legacy.

With "8 Cast", for example, being a popular archetype, Meltdown can clean out most of the permanents.

8 Cast by Ak4suk1




Cheap Pickups

Please note: for our 'record low' we consider the price of the card over the past 7 years. Many cards have been even cheaper (a) decade(s) ago. Also note: some cards are still going down, and might be even cheaper pickups next week.


Archaeomancer's Map $12.00 - Stable
Archaeomancer's Map


Rejuvenating Springs $7.20 - Stable. Market moving up
Rejuvenating Springs


Fabled Passage $5.33 - Stable
Fabled Passage


Archaeomancer's Map
Fabled Passage
Rejuvenating Springs

Arjen has been playing Magic since Ice Age and has mostly played the Legacy format. Ten years ago he founded MTGStocks because he and his friends wanted to buy Magic singles at the right time to play with.

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