With the B&R announcement from Monday, we're talking about Modern this week.
Like every week, just in time for FNM, I'll tell you about the Magic: the Gathering cards that'll be the talk of the town tonight! Come discuss this week's price movements with us on Discord.
Check out our other great content from this week.
Best 2024 Commander Cards for the 99 by Steve Heisler
Underplayed Equipment for Commander by Kaspar Renken
The Most Impactful Cards in Modern in 2024 by Corey Williams
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Onto the Weekly Winners!
#1 $10.49 (+1399%)
Don't worry, you can still get for under $0.50. The largest spike comes from the old card frame printed in . In case you're a casual player and don't really care for constructed competitive formats and don't really follow social media (wouldn't blame you), last Monday Wizards banned and unbanned several cards in Modern, Pioneer, and Legacy. Mainly the Modern format got shaken up by banning some very popular (problematic) staples and unbanning some fan-favorites. One of these unbanned cards is , thus people bought their favorite print of the card, quickly driving up the prices. In today's article I'll mainly pick winners as talking points and discuss cards that have moved in price because of the winner, since this Weekly Winners is full of cards impacted by the (un)bannings.
does really well in, you guessed it, graveyard decks. For you get to draw two and discard two, and you even get to do it again if you'd like with its flashback cost. It's no surprise that for the same reason we've seen more cards going up this week. Examples are , , and , especially their special prints like old card frame, foils, or unique arts.
Another card impacted by the unbanning of is . This sorcery tries to cheat a big creature onto the battlefield, and usually that creature is . But there is another plan: trying to reanimate the Archon with , but in that case we still need a way to get it into the graveyard first. fits that bill nicely. It can get the Archons into the graveyard when they get stuck in your hand and provide draw to find the cards you do need at that point.
Faithless Looting | | |
Faithless Looting | | |
Demilich | | |
Arclight Phoenix | | |
Indomitable Creativity | | |
#2 $25.00 (+258%)
Who of you is old enough to remember being in the Modern format? It was banned in 2016 in Modern for being too strong since it dominated way too much. As a little recap, is part of a two-card infinite combo with . When you have or in play, and you put on it, you can make an infinite amount of s or with haste and thus you can swing for (very probably most likely) lethal.
There have been people calling for the unbanning of for a long time now, since the Modern metagame has become more powerful anyway and some people even suggest that this deck may not even be tier 1 anymore. With cards like in the card pool that can quickly deal with s, it may simply not be good enough anymore. But time will tell as the meta is reshaping and it doesn't stop people from playing the archetype. Don't forget that in the meantime this archetype also has received new cards that may fit into the deck.
One of these cards is , which has also gone up 144% to $49. Tamiyo already saw some Modern play and is also an often seen card in Legacy. It's now also finding it's way into Modern and also the deck that's definitely driving the price up. And, as we just mentioned, we also see a small uptick in the price of that may be more popular to combat Twin decks.
Splinter Twin | | |
Splinter Twin | | |
Deceiver Exarch | | |
Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student | | |
Orcish Bowmasters | | |
#3 $185.95 (+119%)
also was unbanned in Modern, and while it isn't the card with the most percentage-wise gains, it definitely is in terms of absolute value. The cheapest Opal, from , is now around $160. Just like all Moxes, this card provides "free" mana, but you do need at least three artifacts to enable its Metalcraft. It was banned in January 2020 and now, almost five years later, is once again legal in Modern.
We already briefly touched upon . The card itself doesn't have a lot of movement, except for it's Future Sight print in . But has resparked interest in this archetype. Since the deck is artifact heavy, it's not really a problem to activate the Opal. The idea is to mill yourself out with by playing your artifacts and replaying them from your graveyard with until you find and have an empty library. Also important to note is that this deck plays four copies of as well. The deck truly received some great support from the unbannings.
also is found in Modern Affinity decks, Hammer Time decks, and even decks. Besides that it sees play in Legacy as well. With the current price tag of and it being legal again in Modern, I wouldn't be surprised if Wizards is going to reprint it as a chase mythic in an upcoming set.
Cheap Pickups
Please note: for our 'record low' we consider the price of the card over the past seven years. Many cards were even cheaper (a) decade(s) ago. Also note: some cards are still going down, and might be even cheaper pickups next week.
$5.10 - Moving up!
has been identified by the MTGStocks Premium Penny Stocks feature as a card that has reached its bottom and is starting a consistent uptrend.
$4.99 - Moving down
$7.00 - Starting to move up
Flare of Denial | | |
Auriok Champion | | |
Sapphire Medallion | | |