Category - Modern Times

Power Creep and The One Ring

Will The One Ring get banned in Modern? Why should it? Let's discuss.

Will Any Reprints from Foundations Affect Modern?

Let's look at some important reprints in the upcoming Magic Foundations set, and see if there's any potential for them to affect Modern.

How is the Modern Meta Shaping Up Post-Nadu?

Did Modern diversify after Nadu got banned, or did a new archetype rise up to take its place? Let's look at the numbers.

Does Mystery Booster 2 Have Any Reprints for Modern?

With 1,800 cards in the set, will Mystery Booster 2 have any reprints for Modern? Find out here.

Will Duskmourn Affect Modern?

Wondering which cards from Duskmourn may have an impact on Modern? This article's got you covered.

Cards Rising in the Post-Nadu Modern

Nadu has finally bit the dust. So let's take a look at the cards rising in the new Modern meta.

Cards to Buy or Sell NOW for Modern

While the world holds its breath for a Nadu ban, other cards in Modern are rising and falling. Should you buy or sell?

Cards to Pick Up While We Wait for a Nadu Ban

While Modern waits for Nadu Summer to end, it's a good time to look at cards that might shine after the ban.

Will Assassin's Creed Affect Modern?

As Modern trudges through Nadu Summer, will any cards from Assassin's Creed sneak into the format?

Checking in on the Modern Meta After Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3

What can the recent Pro Tour tell us about the future of Modern? Are we in for a Nadu Summer? What cards should you pick up? Find out here.