Category - Modern Times

What You Should Know About Magic Card Leaks

With Wizards officially acknowledging some leaks from Modern Horizons 3, it's a good time discuss what leaks are and how they affect the market.

Predictions for Modern Horizons 3

What should we expect from Modern Horizons 3 based on the previews we've had so far? Here are some early predictions.

Will Outlaws of Thunder Junction Affect Modern?

Will this new cowboy-themed set have any impact on the Modern format, or should you skip it and wait for Modern Horizons 3?

What If Fallout Were Legal in Modern?

This hypothetical edition of Modern Times examines which cards from Universes Beyond: Fallout would be hits if they were legal in Modern.

Pick Up These Modern Outliers Before Modern Horizons 3

Before Modern Horizons 3 drops, take a look at these cards on the edges of the Modern competitive scene.

The History and Future of Cascade in Modern

What does the future hold for Cascade in Modern? More powerful cards in Modern Horizons 3? Bannings? Let's discuss.

Shocklands and the Ramifications of Staple Reprints in Magic

Let's talk reprints, and their effects on prices for staples, in particular, Shocklands.

Sideboard Pickups for Modern in 2024

A healthy sideboard is crucial for competitive formats. Take a look at this list of sideboard cards to pick up for the current Modern meta.

Top 10 MTG Cards for Modern in 2023

What are the best Magic cards for Modern (re)printed in 2023? Come find out!

Fury and Beanstalk Banned in Modern. What Happens Next?

The Modern format is about to experience a huge shake-up, thanks to the recent Banned and Restricted update. Which Modern meta decks are primed for a resurgence?